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Thursday, March 08, 2012

U.S. Probes Allegations Afghan Air Force Involved in Drug Running

(Reuters) - U.S. authorities are looking into allegations that some Afghan Air Force (AAF) officials have been using aircraft to transport narcotics and illegal weapons across the country, a U.S. official said on Thursday.

"At this point allegations are being examined," said Lt. Col. Tim Stauffer, spokesman for the NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan, which is setting up and financing Afghan security forces, including the Air Force.

"Authorities are trying to determine whether the allegations warrant a full investigation."

The Wall Street Journal, which first reported the allegations, said the U.S. military is also looking into whether the alleged transporting of illegal drugs and weapons is connected to an April incident in which an AAF colonel killed eight U.S. Air Force officers at Kabul Airport.

A U.S. Air Force report about the deaths quoted American officials as saying that the killer was likely involved in moving illegal cargo, The Wall Street Journal reported.



  1. Just get out for crying out loud.A window of opportunity has been provided to us because we are no longer welcome.In spite of what you hear or see on TV or any media form,we are no longer welcome in their country.Translated to the American public by Americans,Afghans are begging us not to go.In reality they can't wait for us to leave.

  2. We never should have went there in the first place, or Iraq.

    The country we should have invaded, if we had to invade, is still untouched and funding the ones we are fighting.

    We will never win this war and when we finally do leave with our tail between our legs, it will return to what it was before we got there.

    In most areas outside of eyesight of U.S. bases there, it already has.

    We wasted time, money and lives for NOTHING.

    You can fight people but you cannot fight an idea, and win.

    We are so slow to learn at times.


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