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Wednesday, March 07, 2012



  1. What's unbelievable about it? Because a black man finally spoke the truth?

  2. I would encourage everyone to watch this, preferably with an open mind (if that's possible on the shore) and watch other videos at the end of this one.

    I think he is saying what people have been thinking for years but are afraid to talk about in public.

    And there is also one video about the attacks on the first amendment and other freedoms by Obama and the U.S. Congress. Laws that have ALREADY BEEN PASSED.

    The race issue in this country is just one of our problems. And one that I feel is orchestrated to keep us divided and not united against the common enemy to EVERYONE'S FREEDOM.

    The government itself.

  3. LOL, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he has spent so much time studying the bible that he has never really studied a history book. Whats a shame is that others who have also never picked up the history book will believe this crud.

  4. 7:16 AM

    Put down the crack pipe and prove him wrong.

  5. It is the truth! Just look at the public schools here in Salisbury and this man is right.

  6. 735, actually, the way it works is that when you have well published documents/books and other hard facts, the person throwing bs bombs is supposed to be responsible for actually providing new proof of their accusations to gain support. You clowns seem to enjoy believing whatever bs someone feeds you then expecting others to go prove to you something that is right in your face but you have chosen to ignore.

  7. i say the same thing as this preacher and i get censored. now thats racism!

  8. I'm white and agree with this precher in principal.. the black race has issues..espically when not in CONUS. But I love my black borthers and sisters and feel that in this country they have made significant accomplishments, maybe they need to be more relefective on their short comings as we all should. I do agree on the decitful current sittting president, not because of race but his backers and where they are planning to take us. It is a very dark and evil place. I do not wish to go to there..Obama has been placed in this position for a reason and the race issue is a smoke screen to a more sinister tactic. It will be this that will divide this counrty and allow a more quick end to our nation as we HAVE know it. Pray and get to know Him now..


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