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Thursday, March 08, 2012

Today's Survey Question 3-8-12

Do you think Fire Departments should be self sufficient through fundraising?


  1. no - that's ridiculous. Fire service is a public good...the cost should be borne by everyone.

  2. I don't know, but it would certainly be nice for the taxpayer...

  3. Absolutely not! What a ridiculous question.

  4. Dont know, but why cant they bill the peoples insurance companies.

  5. I think it should be 50/50. There are alot of fire companies that do have fun raisers and that is to their benefit. I don't think they should have to bare all expenses but neither should the tax payers especially for those companies that request rediculous things.

  6. NO !

    This is an essential service.

    If you can't or won't pay for fire services, move to the backwoods.

  7. Should be 50-50. We have a brand new fire company sitting over there on the west side and can't even enter the thing unless somebody buzzes you in. How ridiculous! Yes, they need to hold fund raisers just like other fire companies do. Let everyone see what they are dishing out money for instead of keeping the "museum" locked up tight. Let them get a reputation for good oysters sandwiches or bull roasts or something instead of having a reputation for spend, spend, spend all the time.

  8. anonymous 11:24, a little defensive, aren't we?

    I guess you can call me one of those "back woods" people as I live on 7.5 acres in Delmar, DE.

    However, I have two ponds in which the Fire Departtment, (if needed) can draw water from.

    You see, our men and women don't have to be a part of an accredited association in which they are demanded to buy new equipment that is completely bogus like Salisbury.

    So go ahead and attack those of us who live in the SUBURBS or the COUNTRY. Then remember there are those of us who DO own property in Salisbury and Wicomico County who pay a whole lot more in taxes than you'll ever afford.

    Now get back in the fire truck and head to Panara Bread and Giant for all your wants and needs. Us "country" bumpkins will pay your way, no problem.

  9. 10-74!! Do you know how much a new fire truck, ambulance, brush truck, ladder truck..etc cost? How many pizzas, bingos ect would you like these VOLUNTEERS to Volunteer at and sell????!!!

  10. I think 50% And if it was they wouldn't wast the money.

  11. As a taxpayer I would rather give money to the Fire Department than I would to Welfare.

  12. I don't think you truly comprehend just how much fire departments do. Are you that unappreciative that in a split second without hesitation these people who majority of the time are not being payed put their own lives at risk without bias without personal gain to help people in their most dire time of need. Youre saying that if your house caught on fire you wouldnt be upset if your local fire dept couldnt put it out bc they didnt have sufficient funds to upkeep their equipment? I will gladly pay my taxes if that means that it could potentially save a childs life.

  13. If you want the fire departments to be self supporting, why not the police?

  14. Fire departments have gone overboard with something akin to the Taj Mahal with their buildings and expensive equipment that wasn't needed to begin with.
    Years ago most fire departments were self sufficient and volunteers were the fire fighers. Then the departments were infiltrated with those who had visions of a career at firefighting and ran the volunteers out.


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