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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Today's Survey Question 3-22-12

Do you believe speed cameras throughout Wicomico County in school zones is for the children's safety?


  1. overall it will help. but no doubt the main focus is the money. (or else they wouldnt be year round)

  2. I believe the safety is a secondary concern. I believe money generated is the primary concern.

  3. Of course not, they have nothing to do with safety. There is no way the conclusion of safety can be logically drawn, by a sane, thinking person, by placing cameras on the streets. Repeatedly proven to be ignored by authorities and friends and families of the "protectors" they are shown to be nothing more than a revenue scam.

  4. This is just a start putting these around schools,after that they will be all around.It wouldn't be so bad if it generated jobs as well as money but the machines owners are getting the most benefits,not the County.

  5. Children's safety is what they say, but we all know the speed cameras are used to earn revenue.

  6. Yes, not just children - but all peoples' safety. Those cameras can be in place and not bring in one cent, if no one speeds. The more that have to pay the $40 fine will slow most of the speeders down. Than revenue will be down. If the cameras come down the speeders will go up. Than the cameras can go back up and people will again pay a $40 ticket. Vicious circle I would say. My opinion is most on here are more concerned about being caught speeding than the safety of people, so are blame LE for using a better mousetrap to catch violators.

  7. Yes its for the safety for the kids. No one needs to fly through a school zone. If you dont speed, you wont get a ticket . The posted speed limit is the law. Its there for a reason. Let a speeders child get hit in a school zone by another speeder and see how their attitude changes !!!!

  8. i don't remember there ever being a safety lapse around any of the schools.This is all about revenue, and I'm noy saying it's a bad way to generate it.

  9. Let's just say it isn't. My question is why do you have your pants in such a bunch over this issue? So what if it's to make money with a secondary effect of safety. Stop looking for something to b and moan about and worry about some real problems.

  10. The speed cameras are for nothing but money.

    Bottom line - if the county is going to use speed cameras - then the Sheriffs Department budget should be cut accordingly. If it means less work for the Sheriffs Department - then we need less sheriffs.

  11. If they were really worried about child safety, they wouldn't put up speeding cameras. They would stop children from jaywalking across Rt 50 at Wi Middle.

  12. Didn't we just go through that with the "red light" cameras? It was supposed to be for safety but they were eventually disabled because they didn't generate enough revenue. Exit red light cameras & enter the speeding cameras. Hummmmmmm...

  13. Absolutely.The chronic speeders will be financially impacted the most.If they can just remember to leave point A 5 minutes sooner they'll get to point B in ample time.

  14. They want one by Willards elementary scool, check out the traffic flow and number of kids walking around that school during school hours. That one is puely about money and not child safety!


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