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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Today's Survey Question 3-20-12

Wicomico County is considering a new property tax increase. Can your household handle a tax increase?


  1. A little one, yes.

  2. Keep in mind that under the plan, put forth by Paul Ryan, property taxs would no longer be deductable.

  3. i honestly don't think we can.

  4. Actually, after reassessments taxes went down, so yes. If they would get rid of the frivolities and waste and return many of the basic services - leaf collection and road repairs - and return to an organization designed to serve county residents rather than an organization designed to serve the largesse of politicians though the question would be moot - there'd be plenty to go around.

  5. If more of it goes to fund what goes on at the board of ed., I would say no.

  6. Seems as though Wicomico county was doing better without a county executive.

  7. There should be no increases in anything!!!!

  8. No increases.
    Get rid of the county executive that would save his salary and food bill..Why keep feeding the BOE when they just keep wasting the money?

  9. No. They're going to triple the "flush tax", eliminate your property tax deduction from MD state return, up the gas tax and now they want to up property tax. Is the state going to up my paycheck by the same amounts to cover all these additional expenses? I think not.

  10. We are fortunate to be able to accept a higher rate.What really pisses me off is that this is really another increase by mr.wonderful in Annapolis handing education expenses over to the counties.he wants it both ways, we pay more and he shifts his expenses back to us.I voted for Bob Ehrlich.

  11. any more tax and it will cause me to lose everything i have worked for.im single with no kids,bought a nice mobile home with a couple acres.dont tax me anymore

  12. Also they want to ram through an income tax increase by THIS FRIDAY. I guess that's to keep our minds off all the other tax legislation they wanr ro shove up our collective wazoos. Over half our taxes go to the WCBOE and my kids are learning nothing but how to handle boredom and abuse. Then I hear "Pass this tax or we will have to shut down the sherif's office!" Please, speak to me using intelligence or get off the podium,


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