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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sheriff Joe Wants Obama's Original Draft Card

Following up on his investigative team’s finding of probable cause that Barack Obama’s Selective Service registration form is a forgery, Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio has asked Selective Service Director Lawrence Romo in a letter to produce original documentation.

A copy of Obama’s registration form indicates the registration took place at the Makaki Station Post Office in Honolulu on July 29, 1980. Arpaio wants court-approved, forensic experts selected by his office to examine the original for its authenticity, as well as any microfilm or computer copies that may exist.

In the letter, Arpaio also asked Romo to pursue his own investigation to determine when and how Obama’s Selective Service registration was submitted and entered into the agency’s records.



  1. The Sheriff has the goods on Obama and will trickle out a little at a time and then drop the bomb on him prior to the election... They already have enough to remove him from office now.

    1. Then what's the wait? Nobama 2012!

  2. That's why no one takes you loons seriously anymore

  3. Alex blindly following someone for no good reason sounds loony to me. All Obama would have to do is provide the real certificate or release his college transcripts. The fact that he has spent over 4 million dollars keeping his history concealed has to make even a kooky liberal like you question him.

  4. Is this Alex person for real or what?

  5. don't be too hard on alex. he's very young and was educated in government schools. he can't help himself...

  6. Watch out this goofball Alex might be president some day!


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