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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ron Paul’s Devious Plan To Steal The Presidency

Up until yesterday, I really hadn’t taken the Ron Paul campaign very seriously. Most non-Paul voters probably felt like I did, and laughed him off as that “kooky Uncle” who didn’t have a chance in hell to win the Republican nomination for President.

Well, I’ve changed my mind. Big time.

Yesterday I attended the Republican organizational convention for my Senate district here in Minnesota, and what I witnessed was an organized take-over of our nomination process by Ron Paul cultists. They came to this convention with the sole intent to take over as many of the delegate seats as they could, and sadly, they succeeded.

When I arrived at the convention and took my place with my fellow precinct delegates, I quickly noticed that something was awry. As soon as the man leading the convention(the Convention Chair) began to ask if there were any motions to bring to the floor, several Paulbots lept to their feet to make motions asking to “suspend” the rules so that people who were in attendance could add their names to the delegate nominations. Before the convention, delegates had been contacted to see if we were interested in running for the State Delegate positions, and we were given plenty of time to put our names in the hat to run for these positions.

The Paulbots, who did NOT submit their names prior to the convention, were now demanding that they should added to the list of nominees that very day. This is normally outside of the rules, but the Paulbots(there were at least 50 of them spread throughout the auditorium) through a suspension of the rules, demanded that they be added to the list of nominees. It was difficult to override their votes, as they had descended en masse to this event, and the unsuspecting non-Paul delegates were confused as to what was going on!

After some manipulative moves on the floor, and by using Roberts Rules of order AGAINST the Convention Chair, they were able to add all of their names to the delegate nominations.

I’ve never seen such unmitigated rudeness at a convention before. The Paulbots would leap to their feet screaming “Point of order!” every time they thought that the chair was being dismissive of them.



  1. I know a lot of folks,including myself,who will take him any way we can get him.

  2. Paul or not at all!

  3. Paul or not at all!

    March 14, 2012 3:59 PM

    FREEDOM! or not at all.

    You keep electing (hahagag) your jailer.

    I elect myself to lead my life.

    Guess that makes me a shepherd compared to the likes of you.

  4. Nice link. Interesting back and forth in the commentary. If nothing else, being a Paul supporter this election cycle has shown me the nomination process is much more complicated than going to the voting booth and making a choice. Sounds like the "Paulbots" (I prefer "Ronulans") are politically savvy.


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