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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Quite Interesting

Quite interesting - it appears that it is coming about. . .

The Catholic Church is a major roadblock in Obama's quest to bring complete Socialism to the U.S. of A.

This video explains why Obama and his minions must "divide and conquer" the Catholic Church.

If you are Catholic, you need to watch it. If you are not, you should see it anyway. Our churches need to stand united!

This video is being sent out quickly with the hopes that it will get as far as it can before it is pulled by the "Powers that be."


  1. Quite interesting indeed...to see how far the right has come.

    When Kennedy was running for Presidnet, his opponents were all worked up about him being Catholic and taking his orders from the Pope. Catholics, in the vernacular of the times, were not to be trusted.

    Now the Right is falling over themselves to help "defend" the Catholic Church from this "attack" by another President they do not like. Non-Catholics, it seems, are now not to be trusted.

  2. Catholic and Democrat doesn't go together.


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