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Thursday, March 08, 2012

Piglet Found Running Around Hawaii Hotel Lobby

HONOLULU (AP) - Guests at a hotel near Honolulu's airport found a suckling pig in the lobby, but it wasn't on the menu of the luau.

They called the Hawaiian Humane Society last week, when a 5-week-old female pig was found running around the lobby. It was unclear how the piglet ended up there.

Humane society spokeswoman Tasha Tanimoto says the pig is healthy and has been named Pukalani. She will be available for adoption once she's a little older. Tanimoto says the piglet is being bottle-fed by a volunteer.

Humane society officials aren't sure of the pig's breed, but a veterinarian suspects she will grow to be quite large.

Pukalani has been getting attention on the humane society's Facebook page, where a duck is also advertised for adoption.



  1. Oh Lord. They've cloned Obama, as the humane society officials aren't sure of it's breed, or where it came from.

  2. What a cute little critter. Made me smile.

  3. 1:23-According to Obama,they've cloned Joe Arpaio.

  4. 2:51 Anything according to Obama is a lie. So your statement is meaningless.


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