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Friday, March 02, 2012

Obama to release 'Blind Sheikh'?

The Arabic-language newspaper al-Arabiya reported on Tuesday that the Obama administration has offered to release Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman to Egypt. Abdel Rahman is the infamous “Blind Sheikh” who was convicted in 1995 for masterminding a terrorist war against the United States that included the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and a plot to bomb New York City landmarks. According to the late Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda’s founder, Abdel Rahman is also responsible for the fatwa — the necessary Islamic edict — that green-lighted the 9/11 attacks.

The alleged offer to release Abdel Rahman is said to be an effort to end the impasse over 16 American “civil-society activists” (including the son of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood) being detained by Egypt’s interim government. The Blind Sheikh, the report says, would be part of a prisoner exchange: 50 Egyptians swapped for the Americans whose organizations are said to have received foreign funding in violation of Egyptian law. (See my post from last week on efforts by senior Republican senators to secure the Americans’ release.) Speculation that a quid pro quo may be in place has intensified because, in recent days, Egyptian authorities suddenly adjourned the trial of the Americans and lifted the travel ban against seven of them, including Sam LaHood — freeing them to return to the U.S.



  1. WHAT?

    These capitol letters are not large enough to properly shout as loud as I want. WHAT THE F&^%??!!

    OBAMA is an Islamic pandering idiot!!

    This is TREASONOUS period.
    The Sheik should have been hung.

  2. The united states does not negotiate with terrorist.

    However we know that its a terrorist negotiating with terrorist. Screw Obama.this is wrong! I know there is 16a lives at stake but that's what seal team six is for!

  3. How about we trade Obama for those people! We get our people back and so do they!

  4. Just once I would like to see this guy put his hand on his heart and pledge allegiance to the flag or sing my country tis of thee.

  5. We tried to tell you Obama is not an American, he is Islamic and he continues to do whatever he wants regardless of what the Constitution says. How long can he get away with this. And even though he continues to do such horrible things to our nation there are still idots out there who will vote for him. Wake up you stupid Obamanites.


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