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Thursday, March 08, 2012

Now You're A Racist If You Chant, 'U-S-A!'?

It's almost unthinkable. An American high school stops its basketball players from chanting, "U-S-A!" because it was "disrespectful" and possibly even racist.

You'll be stunned by this one ...

Click here to read the full article.


  1. exactly what is wrong with this country.

  2. The USA as we knew it is gone ....the Liberals/Comunists have destroyed it if we cant even show pride by saying USA.... Saul,George and Barry you have succeded..... However there are those of us are going to fix what you have broken.... You are not going to like it nor will your PC/Liberal followers this country will be brought back to the values that the people had 200 years ago like it or not

  3. How can chanting USA be racist, I am pretty sure we accept all nationalities into this country?

  4. From reading the article it sounds like the coach took appropriate action and stopped the chants. Good for him, it's a bit "in your face" in my opinion. I think the press might be adding a little fuel to the fire here as well.

  5. You clowns show time and again you react to whatever headline is thrown in front of you without regard to the facts of the case.

  6. @8:55 have you ever played a sport? They are generally "in your face" it is called competition. People are so scred to be who they are anymore and I wonder why? If I was in this place, they would have had to remove me before I stopped chanting. Go check out a college game of basketball and see what the crowd chants there. University of Maryland College Park would be a great place to visit if you think this is bad. Pretty much every chant they have uses curse words.

  7. If I were banned from the state title game for chanting USA you better believe the school would be facing a lawsuit. I guess there is no freedom of speech anymore.

  8. You know throughout world history, even countries who win Olympic games over the team of the host country have chanted their country's name in victory and have NEVER been shouted down for it.

    Reprimand these coaches.


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