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Saturday, March 10, 2012

No Brainer Liberals Resist Because They’re Idiots #528: Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients

You don’t have a right to food stamps, welfare, or any other program in our social safety net. However, because we’re a forgiving and compassionate society, we’ve chosen to put programs in place to help those who’re having a tough time. Of course, if you’re going to ask people who are working for a living to pay other people’s bills, then they have a right to demand that their money is well spent. Their money shouldn’t be given to people who are just lazy or who are going to waste the money. That’s why limiting the amount of time people can be on welfare during their life makes sense. You don’t want people turning welfare into a lifestyle. It’s why making people work to get their welfare makes sense — because if people are working, they have the opportunity to improve work skills and at least prove that they’re not lazy.

It’s also why this makes sense.



  1. I think that if they are unemployed and collecting welfare, it should be mandatory to produce at least 10 job searches per week and when verified by the state, if they did not take a job that was offered, then their assistance should be cut off.

  2. The problem is 1:48 no one is in any hurry to give alot of them jobs. Most have criminal records and have tatooed themselves up like ink is going to run out tomorrow. Then they do other crap like show up in pajama pants wanting an application.
    Then when you do hire them, they always got some kind of drama going on as an excuse why they are late or need off (that's if they even bother to call.)

  3. They already require two a week. You can make a 100 inquiries a week and it wouldn't matter.

    If there are no jobs, there are no jobs.

    They say things are improving, who knows. The shore is always the last to feel it. Everything but ignorance, crime, hate and busybodies has always been in short supply here.

    I'm from here, I live here, and I like it here. It's just the way it is.

  4. The problem is 1:48 no one is in any hurry to give alot of them jobs. Most have criminal records

    That's correct. AND, some companies will NOT hire you if you are UNEMPLOYED.

    That fact has been in the news several times.

    I don't think it is right but is how Americans are treated now. People of wealth and power must enjoy finding new ways to screw with us. They do it so often and with no remorse.

  5. Let's get to where the "the rubber hits the road". A free ride is all some people know. The Government is afraid to turn down welfare recipients if they can't pass drug testing. Why? Because there will be a race war.

  6. The Government is afraid to turn down welfare recipients if they can't pass drug testing. Why? Because there will be a race war.

    March 10, 2012 7:03 PM

    If I am correct about what you are trying to imply, I would remind you that more white people are on welfare than black.

  7. Middle class WORKERMarch 10, 2012 at 8:05 PM

    4:37 what are you talking about? People won't hire you if you are unemployed? That's just about stupid. Go ahead and be like YOUR president Obamalama and blame everything on the rich. We all make choices in life. Sometimes we make good ones other times we make bad ones and blame our problems on someone else. I know where you could get a job right now, but you and others like you think you are too good to work in a place like that.Hey where I come from you do what you have to do to take care of your family even if it's a crappy job. Work where you can until something better comes along.Instead of sitting around pi$$ing and moaning. Back to you...

  8. 4:37 what are you talking about? People won't hire you if you are unemployed? 8:05 PM

    Don't get much news under that rock do you?

    Google it and learn something.

  9. How about every homeowner who claims a tax deduction for their mortgage be drug tested? They are after all being subsidized by the government.

  10. Your question doesn't make sense 11:15. The mortgage tax deduction is an incentive for home ownership. Welfare benefits are only supposed to be temporary. TANF (TEMPORARY Assistance for Needy Families) is now what the funds are called. The aim is to help move recipients into work. If someone is using drugs, that needs to be addressed in order to help them filter back into a productive member of society.


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