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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New Liberal Campaign Portrays Women As Good For One Thing: Sex

Thanks, liberal women! With the following ad you have successfully portrayed all women as good for one thing: sex. Welcome to the mind of a feminist and the new "sex strike" campaign.



  1. And poor at that!

  2. these women shouldn t have sex to begin with and if you cant afford it dont have sex

  3. This is fantastic! This will produce a whole lot less future liberals for us to have to deal with! Keep 'em closed gals! We're winning!

  4. 4:52 This is for you and others with your mentality.

    First I really pity your wife If you are man enough to even have one. Your remark is so Male Chauvinistic, and so far fetched that yea, your just a BUNKIE and a LOW LIFE BUNKIE at that. Let me ask you; why should it be ok for Viagra to be supplemented and it really has no other real use then a male drug to get you Bunkie A** hard, and women can't get these drugs supplemented for reproductive health? There are more uses for Birth Control pills then just Birth Control. Even some that could be detrimental to a woman's life.
    Come on mister man, let me hear your great knowledge on the subject. People like you make me sick Mr. Rush wanna be!!
    Hell, I bet your really pissed at women so this is your outlet? I wanna know who you are!!!
    And, Yes, my name is on here, wheres yours mister Man?

  5. 5:52
    you are too funny my husband and I just giggled our a**es off. we find you women stupid as hell

  6. 5:52
    sorry didn t see your name did you read the article I DONT THINK SO

  7. That why God gave us men hands, for situations like this. Im a sex camel.

  8. Access Denied? That's not what she said!

  9. Well when you get right down to it, this is absolutely the truth. Alot of those who tend to vote democrat are of the welfare class and it does seem they can't do anything else but have sex. That's really is the only thing they are good for.

  10. At my age, I'd rather take a nap anyway.

  11. Just to prove the point, my wife and i are gonna "hit it" Every night For the Entire week. Ahhhhh... ...Conservatism!

  12. There's nothing here at all indicating the people supporting this are saying women are only good for one thing.

    Agree to disagree, say this is a bad idea. But a cheesy distortion like that is doing everything you say the liberals do.

    This country's ability to have a sensible political discussion is completely gone. I tell the wife, let's just fishing.

  13. So guys will have to take matters into their own hands!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. LOL!
    My girlfriend tried this.
    She's living in her car.

  16. wow. the libs finally got something right!

  17. Wow - now you conservatives know why you can't hold on to the White House.You see no problem with insurance covering Viagra for you horny men who can no longer keep it up, but for a woman to have her contraceptives covered under insurance that she pays the premiums for, is somehow not reasonable? I also love how all you conservative males making comments actually believe that we financially need you! HAHAHAHAHA! I've supported my self and my reproductive needs all my life. I don't need a man to take care of me. Ladies, get a real man and marry a progressive and independent thinker!


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