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Friday, March 09, 2012

New Ads Pitch Marine Corps' Kinder, Gentler Side

WASHINGTON (AP) - They've long been known as devil dogs, leathernecks and "the first to fight." But U.S. Marines, with their self-described expertise in "killing people and breaking things," now want to promote their kinder side as well.

A new Marine Corps advertising campaign starting this weekend takes its cue from research showing today's recruit-age generation is interested in helping people. So the campaign is crafted to show Marines not only as warriors but as humanitarians and peacekeepers; not only as courageous but also as compassionate.

Photos and videos to be distributed on television, in American movie theaters, on YouTube and elsewhere show Marines talking with children; bringing food, water and medical supplies to Haitian earthquake victims, and clearing rubble from a tsunami-devastated Japanese village. These missions aren't a new role for the Marines, but they are ones the force expects to do more of as it's freed from a decade of fighting land wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and returns to its seafaring, expeditionary roots


  1. A new Marine Corps holding hands when comming ashore singing "we are one," would show kinder, gentler side also

  2. Wake up America. These guys need to be what they were traditionally. Their job is to protect us from evil, not be humanitarians and peacekeepers. Now they are being pussified by the commies who were elected by a society of idiots. This is just another step in the weakening of our once-great country.


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