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Thursday, March 08, 2012

Michigan Teen Hospitalized After Attempting ‘Cinnamon Challenge’

A Michigan student was hospitalized this week after participating in the ‘cinnamon challenge,’ and one high school principal is warning parents of the game’s dangers, AnnArbor.com reported.

With the ‘cinnamon challenge,’ made popular by YouTube videos, students try to swallow 1 teaspoon of cinnamon in less than 1 minute. Reportedly, the body’s salivary glands cannot make enough saliva to swallow that amount of cinnamon without the help of a liquid.

Arthur Williams, principal at Huron High School in Ann Arbor, Mich., sent an e-mail to parents Tuesday, warning them of the game’s hazards and alerting them to the fact that a local student had been hospitalized because of it.

According to AnnArbor.com, the email said the game can cause students to suffer hypoxia, choking, vomiting and coughing. The game can reportedly cause pneumonia if the cinnamon is aspirated into the lungs.


  1. Mother mature weeding and down sizing the herd.

  2. so? if they are stupid enough to try, let em. the fact that 99% of the people that take the challenge are fine. aagin, im not worried about the 1%

  3. btw, the reporter obviously didnt care about posting this even after the 2nd to last paragraph - "Local Ann Arbor hospitals told AnnArbor.com they have not seen teens coming into the emergency room due to this game’s hazards"


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