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Monday, March 12, 2012

Louis Farrakhan Speaks at UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley on Saturday was once again the crucible of the free speech debate.

The birthplace of the Free Speech Movement in the 1960s hosted another iconoclast from the era, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, whose speeches and writings have been denounced by critics for decades as bigoted, homophobic and anti-Semitic.

Farrakhan was invited as a speaker for the ninth annual Afrikan Black Coalition Conference organized by the Black Student Union, and his appearance was denounced by other student groups and the subject of an online petition "opposing his hateful words and character" that garnered about 350 signatories.


  1. calypso louie; isn't he special??

  2. Look, just because we support freedom of speech in this country doesn't mean we have to listen to complete moronic idiots...

  3. Would they allow Rush to speak or just left wing nuts

  4. Black people cannot wait to jump loudly and with both feet on anyone and anything they deem "racist", except of course, for their own racist and misogynist "leaders". However, they are perfectly willing to entertain and give center stage to one of the most prolific and staunchly racist public figures of the last 35 years. Farrakan has called white people evil, scientific mistakes, the creators of AIDS and murderers of every kind (is THAT stereotyping??). That doesn't even BEGIN to cover all the racist crap from his mouth. And unbeliveably, he has millions of followers, 99% of whom are black. Do they adore him, follow him, and send him milions in contributions because he is racist, or because they believe what he says? Maybe next week, Berkeley can host the leader of the Aryan Nation. Different ends of the spectrum. Same beliefs. But, it IS Berkeley. They would swoon over Satan and refuse to speak to Christ and would probably denounce him as an old-fashioned judgmental white guy who is out-of-touch with todays world.

  5. 7:06,I could'nt have said it better!


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