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Thursday, March 08, 2012

It's 'Constitution 101' for Maryland Cops

It’s going to be “Constitution 101″ for state police in Maryland, who will be undergoing training on the First and Fourth Amendments as part of a settlement of a lawsuit over the illegal arrests of pro-life protesters there.

Confirmation comes from officials with the Alliance Defense Fund, who argued that the officers’ decision to arrest, take into custody and strip-search the protesters simply wasn’t allowed.

The ADF noted that the settlement with Maryland State Police will include “training on rights protected by the First and Fourth amendments to the U.S. Constitution.”

“Under the terms of the settlement, Maryland State Police cannot issue countywide dispersal orders against peaceful pro-life speakers, cannot illegally arrest pro-life speakers who are exercising their constitutionally protected free speech and assembly rights, must provide acceptable reasons for asking any speakers to move, must provide speakers with the opportunity to move before threatening anyone with arrest, cannot censor constitutionally protected messages and images on signs, and must participate in training on rights protected by the First and Fourth amendments to the U.S. Constitution,” the ADF reported.



  1. Good, they need to have an entire lesson taught on the constitution like it is middle school. Cops spit on the constitution on a daily basis.

  2. They better include the second amendment too.
    AND, include Martin O'Malley in the training.

  3. Its just a big show. Does anyone REALLY think the police give a crap about our "rights"? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that its WRONG to strip search teenage girls -- TWICE!! -- for peacefully protesting. Which for all you cops, is actually one of our GUARANTEED rights, and NO, I'm not talking about strip searches, for all you perv LEO's. I know that doesn't mean anything to YOU, but for the people, I have this question --- how many video's (cops HATE video, at least in the hands of CITIZENS) do you need to see of cops beating, pepper-spraying, body slamming to concrete floors, shooting unarmed people, including children, robbing and extorting other criminals, and generally outrageously abusing people (usually already in handcuffs or restraints) before you realize that they consider themselves MASTERS, not servants? And could give a rats ass about what you THINK are your "rights". THOUSANDS of video's, by the way.

  4. Technology has shed a ton of light on the good ol boy system cops usually run. If I want to tape a cop what should stop me? He is taping me, but of course if something were to happen to me I am sure his camera would have not been functioning properly or it wouldnt be a vehicle with a camera.


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