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Saturday, March 24, 2012

House of Delegates Passes Budget Package

ANNAPOLIS — The House of Delegates has approved a package of budget measures, including an income tax increase for people who make more than $100,000.

The House also voted Friday to double the state’s “flush tax” on sewer bills from $30 a year to $60.

The income tax increase would go up a quarter of a percent for single filers with more than $100,000 in taxable income. It would go up a quarter of a percent for joint filers who make more than $150,000 of taxable income.

The House also approved splitting teacher pension costs with counties. The split would be phased in over three years.

A panel of House and Senate lawmakers will need to work out differences in the budget legislation approved by the two chambers.


1 comment:

  1. Time to flush these tax-and-spenders along with the crap they emulate!


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