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Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Half of Americans Think Gov’t Is a Poor Manager of the Economy

Most Americans think that government is a poor manager of the economy, a new Rasmussen Reports survey shows, and most people holding this view are either Republicans, or not affiliated with either party. They tend to be middle income.

According to the report, 50 percent of American adults believe that government management of the economy hurts, while only 27 percent of American adults believe it helps. Another 17 percent is unsure about government’s impact on the economy and six percent said it has no impact.

Those who believe government intervention in the economy helps tend to be Democrats by a 46 percent to 26 percent margin.

On the other hand, 66 percent of Republicans and 57 percent not affiliated with either the Republican Party or Democratic Party share the view that government management of the economy is harmful.

The report didn’t give a specific number but it did say that middle income Americans are likelier to believe government management has deleterious effects on the economy.



  1. DUH! i've been seeing this for the last 30 years! the goverment finds the dumbest ppl they can to work for them! they are set up to spend money not make money!

  2. Makes me real worried about the half that think the government does a good job...yikes!


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