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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Contemptible Race-Monger in Chief

Like a fly to fresh horse manure or his wife to a hot-buttered biscuit, Obama wasted no time injecting himself into the cruel tragedy of the Trayvon Martin shooting. The shooting and subsequent loss of life is a tragedy, but it is a tragedy that could be used to draw people together. Instead, contemptible race-mongers like Obama use it as currency to both divide and further their agenda.

Obama was elected to be leader of the country, not divide it. He claims to be a Christian, but when presented with perfect opportunities to show his faith in a healing manner, he chooses instead to play to the lowest common denominator. But with that said, his behavior was in keeping with his character.

If he felt compelled to say something, he should have said that the shooting was a terrible situation and a tragic loss for everyone concerned. He should have said that everyone had suffered loss – Trayvon’s family, his friends, the community and the gentleman who shot him. No one walked away unscathed.



  1. Why hasn't Obama tried to defuse the situation in Florida. He an Holder have ignored the contract the New Black Panthers put on Zimmerman.

  2. First of all the "gentleman" that shot him is a murderer. Like it or not this is a homicide. Secondly, I like most people that see things for what they are and not with hatefilled delusion found the Presidents words those of a heartfelt father. Has nothing to do with race. Let's not twist facts for the sake of racist values.

  3. And what gives you the authority to judge him a murderer 5:29. Where you there? Did you see the situation first hand? Or are you listening to the race baiters who are decrying him to be a "murderer." This story seems to be changing hourly. First the 17 year old was just a "child" and had "never been in any trouble, and was just coming home from the market with a can of tea and a bag of skittles." The perpetuated this story with a picture that was 3-4 years old of a slight smiling child. Then we hear he was suspended from school for 5 days for being tardy. Not! Then we hear he is now 6'4" tall and weighs 200 lbs. Then we hear he was actually suspended from school for 10 days for a baggie with marijuana residue. Then we hear that he was suspended another time for spray painting on lockers and another time for having women's jewelery and a screw driver. B&E tools the school decided. And then we hear that he punched Zimmerman and was banging his head onto the sidewalk and that Zimmerman's nose was broken and the back of his head was lacerated and he had grass stains all over the back of his shirt.

    Now where I am going with all of this is that even with hearing all of this--I don't know what happened. I am up here in the State of Delaware. I am not in Floida and was not present. I do not presume to know what happened there. I also do not believe you know what happened there. You are just jumping on the band wagon along with Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Yes, Obama.

    I agree totally with the author and with his points about where were these race baiters when the "white" children were beat up or set on fire. Didn't hear anything out of any of them about "justice" then. This whole situation has gotten totally out of control. Where is the "justice" in having a bounty on someone's head and that being okay. What in the hell is this country coming too?

  4. 5:52 Good job of making common sense. 5:29 Get your head into some sunshine. It's doing you no good where it's at.

  5. 5:52 said evrything I wanted to say and more.

  6. Let's not twist facts for the sake of racist values.

    March 27, 2012 5:29 PM

    You, of all people, talk about twisting facts? The only fact you got right was the names.

  7. The current president has done more in less than 1 term to destroy race relations than any other president over the last 30 years.


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