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Friday, March 30, 2012

Central Florida Teacher Quits After Comment About Student's Cleavage

A Eustis Middle School teacher resigned after she made a comment about a student's cleavage in front of the classroom.

Joan Bannister, a 53-year-old math teacher, drew attention to the girl's cleavage and said she would be out of dress code if the girl were measured, according to a memo from Lake County Schools. The girl filed a complaint saying that on Jan. 30 Bannister approached her with a ruler and said the math teacher wanted to measure her exposed "boobage."

In the memo, Bannister denied ever using the word "boobage" but admitted to having a conversation with the girl about her being out of compliance with the dress code. She said she never touched the girl, but "could have handled the situation better," according to the memo.



  1. let me guess, they are all over this teacher but completely ignore the fact that the 'little' girl should not have been exposing her breasts in the first place.

    This country is turning into a literal hell.

    I can understand why certain groups think of us as devils. Anyone else?

  2. The student was offended by the teacher but having her boobs hanging out doesn't offend her? Does anyone see something wrong with this childs thinking. Maybe someone should tell her other find it offensive to see her boobs exposed

  3. What goes on in these girls lives that they feel compelled to show cleavage while in class? Where are the parents?
    You see it even locally on Facebook, girls 12, 13, 14 years old trying to look sexy with pouty looks on their faces.
    Then when this girls end up on drugs, pregnant or murdered even the parents wonder why and everyone's supposed to be all upset.


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