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Wednesday, March 07, 2012

'Bride of Flukenstein’: DNC Chair Showcases Nurse At Catholic Hospital Who Can’t Get Free Birth Control

While the media’s still buzzing about The Sandra Fluke Story, Democrats have rolled out a disappointing sequel starring a nurse who can’t get free contraception because she works at a Catholic hospital that doesn’t provide such coverage for religious reasons.

Produced by DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), a conference call last Friday featured a nurse at a Catholic hospital in Tacoma, Washington who complained that the hospital’s insurance doesn’t cover contraception. The nurse’s comments echoed those of Georgetown student Sandra Fluke, who has become the focus of national media discussion.

“I currently work as a nurse at a Catholic hospital in Tacoma, Washington that doesn’t offer health insurance that covers birth control,” Megan Iturralade said during Friday’s conference call.



  1. Most nurses start out making $70,000 a year. I think she can afford to buy her own birth control.

  2. This is sooooooo much like the DUMBOcrats! So wrong in so many ways it isn't worth much of a response.

  3. Guess there's no "planned parenthood" facility near her convent...

  4. You want it, get an add-on clause to your ins. policy. You know, like for my 10,000 dollar ring added to my homeowners...

  5. While I believe that female contraception (the pill)should be a part of an insurance plans prescription copay, the real cost per day is less than a venti latte at Starbucks. Which is more important, a coffee buzz or personal responsibility?

  6. first she isnt Catholic or a true one so why doesnt she change hospitals

  7. This entire issue is nothing but a distraction!
    Before I had my son, our health insurance never covered my birth control!
    It always irked me that they'd pay for me to have a baby - back then the coverage was 100% after deductible - but they wouldn't pay to prevent a pregnancy in the first place. There was no deductible on hospital charges and charges for labor and delivery.
    It cost me $42.00, that's right, forty two dollars out of pocket for medical costs when my son was born, back in late 80's. In total, he cost me $292.00. $250.00to satisfy my deductible and the rest was for tylenol while I was in the hospital for a day.
    There's nothing new here folks!


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