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Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Breitbart's Mystery Tapes On Obama Released

Initial video 'edited,' more coming

The first images from a stash that the late Andrew Breitbart promised to use to “vet” Barack Obama during the 2012 presidential race appeared today.

Ben Smith of Buzzfeed announced on Twitter that the film was released by video researcher Andrew Kaczynski, but Breitbart’s Big Government.com site immediately noted that it has been “edited” and that more video would be coming within hours.

On the video, Obama is speaking to a rally on behalf of a professor.

He praises the teacher: “The black law students organized an orientation … one of the persons who spoke was Professor Bell. …. I remember him sauntering up to the front and not giving us a lecture but engaging us in a conversation,” Obama says.

According to Joel Pollak’s report at Breitbart.com, “The video, which Kaczynski says was ‘licensed from a Boston television station,’ shows a young Barack Obama leading a protest at Harvard Law School on behalf of Prof. Derrick Bell, a radical academic tied to Jeremiah Wright – about whom we will be releasing significant information in the coming hours.”

He reported that the video was “selectively edited – either by the Boston television station or by Buzzfeed itself.”

He promised that Breitbart.com will release “additional footage that has been hidden by Obama’s allies in the mainstream media and academia.”

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  1. Normally I can't listen to him speak, he makes me want to vomit in an angry sort of way, but if there is some stuff here that will show him for what we really know him to be, bring it on. I can't wait to see it all.

  2. When can we see it all?

  3. This is pretty tame stuff...

  4. This is pretty tame stuff...

    March 7, 2012 9:45 PM

    It's just the beginning of more to come. I don't think you grasp the ramifications of Obama's actions.

  5. agreed 11:24, or the actions of the professor and please include the news media. for those who may be too young to remember or maybe you weren't taught; the news media is supposed the be "the peoples" watch dog. the "liberal" media is nothing but a mouthpiece and lapdog for the left. so sad this has happened over the years, but they absolutely cannot be trusted, ever.

  6. I hope whatever else they come up with is not like this ....same old, same old.

  7. 4:06 and Fox and talk radio are nothing but mouthpieces for the right. Either call out both sides or raise your hand and be proud to be apart of the media bias problem.

  8. lol some people will never get it.

  9. 7:11am and NBC,CBS,ABC,MSNBC,CNN,HLN,CNBC, are mouthpieces for the left. I guess it is alright for the rightwing to have at least one mouthpiece in a news network

  10. dittos 9:25. of course don't forget sissy crissy with the chills running up his leg. he even had this happen again recently. wow!

    oh yes; b.o. just said that people were still "fainting" when he spoke. this prez thinks he's a rock star, mandela, messiah, lincoln and many more. poor guy; he's nothing more than an illegitimate prez, a fake prez, a poor excuse for a prez, the worst prez we've ever had.


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