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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Author Dishes Alec Baldwin Taste of His Own Venom

Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., who was attacked as an “oil whore” by actor Alec Baldwin and “big oil’s top call girl” by environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is getting some verbal cover-fire from another prominent climate-change skeptic.

Author and talk-show host Brian Sussman, a meteorologist, went on the Tweet counter-offensive today – directing a pithy challenge to debate Baldwin and/or Kennedy about global warming claims.

“If Jim Inhofe is an ‘oil whore’ then Alec Baldwin is an eco-slut,” Sussman said in his first salvo on Twitter.

He followed that one minute later with this: “If Jim Inhofe is an ‘oil whore’ then Alec Baldwin is an enviro-hooker.”

Less than 60 seconds later, he Tweeted: “If Jim Inhofe is an ‘oil whore’ then Alec Baldwin is a green strumpet.”



  1. An article on grown ass men calling names.they should blog on this site.

  2. Alec has been acting quite peculiar lately.He needs to focus on acting.One night I heard he and Shaun Hannity on the radio yelling at each other at the top of their lungs.The odd thing was that Shaun was actually a caller & Alec was the guest.The show host obviously had it all planned out.Alec eventually stormed off of the set,leaving the host with nothing to occupy the remaining 1/2 hour of his show.

  3. surely apologies have been requested and are on the way...


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