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Saturday, March 24, 2012

About Speed Cameras

Despite claims by those who profit from photo enforcement, speed cameras are very unpopular with the general public. Photo enforcement has been placed to a popular vote in US communities a total of 24 times, in 23 of those votes the public has rejected cameras,... that is a 95.8% rejection rate. Speed camera programs only survive because they are accompanied by massive PR and media campaigns, including astroturfing by speed camera contractors and corporate lobbying by photo enforcement companies. Most Americans have lived most of their lives without speed cameras and most states still do not have them. There is nothing radical about opposing speed cameras. It is the belief that we can only be safe with cameras watching our every move which is extreme.

Some reasons why many people oppose speed cameras include:

The right to face your accuser in court and cross examine witnesses is guaranteed by the US Bill of Rights. Speed cameras deny you this right because the accuser is a machine.

Speed cameras are a form of mass surveillance over ordinary drivers. The government is forbidden from engaging in sweeping surveillance systems without warrants to look for offenders of crimes. Only DRIVERS, rather than career criminals, are currently considered bad enough by the state legislature to justify such a system. It is possible that the cameras, or the data they collect, could one day be used for purposes other than speed enforcement, which may already be happening.


  1. Anyone know how to get out of a Salisbury speed camera ticket? Lol

  2. Forced compliance is what its come down to.No one made them speed.They chose to,making a motor vehicle potentially a lethal weapon.Enter in lifes pressures,which add attitude into the mix.I'd much rather be hit by a bullet than by a car running 60 mph in a 40 mph zone.At least I might possibly survive the bullet.

    1. You can see a car and move.....you wont see that bullet.but you go right on ahead and try it.see hiw it works out for you.

  3. Ask the court to have the camera brought in the courtroom for examination.

  4. Wish I did 2:16. I just got a notice in the mail today that a camera caught me in Jan doing 40 in a 30.

    1. Thought they were only set for 12mph over?

  5. Everyone who gets a speed camera ticket in Maryland should request a court date. It would put the court system into chaos.

  6. Anyone know how to get out of a Salisbury speed camera ticket? Lol

    March 24, 2012 5:16 PM

    Yeah, rip the camera's down.

  7. More importantly, how do we get speed camera removal on the ballots as a referendum? Someone out there knows how it is done as we got the revenue cap that way....or have you been silenced?!

  8. You posted an article recently that 4 camera's were being placed by MSP to monitor all traffic, scanning tags immediately in a data base to ascertain if the vehicle or possible occupants are under warrant or operating illegally.
    One might suggest that constitutes
    a Soviet style police state right here in Salisbury.
    It IS happening.

    1. I believe it is against the law for police to run a tag or even a persons name without probable cause.

  9. You have a right to challenge your accuser in court. Demand that the camera be brought to the courtroom for examination.

  10. Police state? LOL give me a break. Police are outnumbered 2,000 to 1. Every person in America gets away with committing traffic offenses every time they get in a vehicle, maybe to be caught by an officer once a year or so. Now a little enforcement comes along (cameras) and everyone is upset its not a free for all on the roads anymore. The cameras are well marked, and posted with warning signs before them in every direction and stupid idiots still get tickets. Well that's YOUR OWN FAULT! Ahhhhh person responsibility, OMG thats such a bad word. BOO HOO HOO, drive responsibly, it's not difficult. The "police state" phrase is a joke!

  11. I see the fat lazy unionized over paid cops are on here defending the camera's...power trip!

  12. 8:31,Think the police state is a joke?Go through Fruitland and look up at the billboards and lightpoles-there are cameras on top watching you.They are everywhere through Salisbury,your not sharp enough to spot them!

  13. Police can run any tag or person without any reason at all. Tags are owned by the state and are publice information.

  14. Dont speed and dont worry about the cameras. Its that simple.


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