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Monday, February 13, 2012

White House Calling For Cuts In NASA Funding

Planetary science division slashed 20% in plan that trims spending to lowest level in 4 years

President Barack Obama will ask Congress for $17.7 billion for NASA for 2013, an amount that would leave the agency funded at its lowest level in four years, according to sources familiar with the forthcoming budget proposal.

NASA’s planetary science division would shoulder a heavy share of the cut. Under the president’s proposal, its budget would drop from $1.5 billion to $1.2 billion, a 20 percent reduction.



  1. Wallops Island will be on the chopping block.Just as well.

  2. Obama has reduced NASA to a Muslim out reach program.

  3. Dumbing us up abd giving the future to those willing to invest.

  4. Science is the future. Without science we will continue to spiral downward as a nation.

    Our politicians are just corrupt, uninformed and lazy. No point in trying any longer


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