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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Today's Survey Question 2-22-12

Do you think it's a conflict of interest for welfare recipients, (entitlement recipients) to vote?


  1. No I don't. I think everyone in this country should have a voice. If by entitlements you are including social security. Those people have worked all their lives and have more then earned that right. I'm sure most on here will say they shouldn't have the right but just because you need help doesn't mean you shouldn't be counted ad a citizen and not all that are receiving assistance are dead beat sponges exploiting the system. Many are peole that have just fallen on hard times. Before everyone starts complaining about their tax money paying. Haven't you all figured it out. It's not your money. Once the government has it it's theirs and I'm sorry but it's spent on many things much more useless then helping people.

  2. Yes.
    No pay, no play.

  3. No. Many of us want to get off public assistance and back to work. Many of us are now trying to start up our own small businesses even if it.s landscaping or handyman services just to scrape by. Many of us watching our congressmen and leadership see them more worried over the lgtb issues than job creation and economic improvement. Many of us are working every ounce of our spare time to get Ron Paul elected in November, and therefore we should have the right to vote.

  4. Wrong question. The real question should be, "Does the government, federal or state, have the right to tax people who work and give the money to people who don't?"

    Yes, I understand people run into hard times occasionally, but it is the role of the churches, civic groups, independent charities and individuals to decide how much to give and to whom.

  5. Does that include farmers, who get agricultural welfare in the farm bill, oil company employees who benefit from huge corporate welfare, etc, etc?

    Everyone who receives Social Security shouldn't vote?

    Give me a break!

  6. only if your congressmen and senators take drug tests before they get paid.

  7. anonymous 11:40, you think Social Security is an entitlement???? Man, some of you people are just stupid and will say anything just to argue.

    If a Famer is getting a check, well, perhaps you're right on that one.

  8. If the entitlement is a tempory fix to help the indiviual get back on their feet...sure...bad things happen to good people. If it's a "lifestyle"...absolutely not.

  9. There was time in this country that you could only vote if you owned land. We are now into the fourth, fifth, perhaps even the sixth generation of welfare recipients; they feel they are entitled to that money and have never diligently looked for gainful employment. I think if you are not a tax paying individual, then you have no right to vote.

  10. Social Security is an entitlement because people take more out than they pay in.

  11. Farmers receive more government subsidies than any welfare recipients. So under this system, farmers won't vote. Let's see how that flies!

  12. The real question should go more like this.

    If a person lives on govt assist, ie: Welfare, section 8, foodstamp, medicade, and does not work nor make any attempt to find work, should they have the privilage to vote in elections.

    That would make more sense.

  13. Joe, please tell me since when SS is not an entitlement. The whole idea is to have young workers pay for those who aren't working (retirees and disabled). I'm not bashing the system but to try to repaint it as not being an entitlement program is nonsense.

  14. If welfare has become a way of life for these people they should not be allowed to vote. If they can't be responsible for their own lives they should have no say in how things are done.

  15. to those who think soc. sec. is an entitlement; you are dead wrong.

    when the government can Make a worker pay a soc. sec. tax every paycheck to pay for soc. sec.; we have no choice.

    we could have taken this money (for me the last 45 years full-time) and invested it ourselves in something we wanted to invest in. the government didn't give us a choice.

    it's the governments problem that we are living longer and maybe collecting more than we put in, but this doesn't account for all the people that died before they could collect anything. it certainly doesn't answer the question regarding NO CHOICE. in addition to this; employers paid into this system for each employee.

    we definately could have made MORE money making our own investments.


  16. Since I receive Social Security, I guess that I should not be entitled to vote because SS is considered an "entitlement" program. I worked all those years, so I'm entitled. The conflict of interest would apply to me, too, as well as all the millions of other SS retirement beneficiaries.

  17. This really has become a nation of under-educated bullies. If some don't even know how to use their headlights, it shouldn't be a surprise they know little about government.

    It's really a silly question to begin with. Lose your right to vote, ( who cares anyway), because you are reaping what you have paid into every week you have worked?

    It's not the people collecting THEIR money that is breaking that system. It is the politicians and other such groups who BORROW money from this fund and never pay it back. It's not a slush fund although it has been treated as such.

    Is Congress allowed to vote? I mean besides voting themselves a RAISE whenever they want.

    You want to punish yourselves and your neighbors while giving those in government a blank check.

    No wonder we are slaves.

  18. Absolutely. If you don't pay into the system then you should have no say in how the money is spent. It will never happen though because it would shut the democrats down in short order. They will never let that happen.


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