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Monday, February 13, 2012

Study: Driving While Stoned Is Very Dangerous, But Not As Risky As Drunk Driving

You might have a friend — or you might even be that person — who swears that they actually drive better after smoking a bit of marijuana (I believe the kids call it "reefer"); that it clears their head and helps them focus. But a new study confirms what many people had probably already guessed: that smoking pot and driving isn't exactly a good idea.



  1. Not true... Just another way to lie to reinforce the war on drugs...

    Just like when they said marijuana makes you dumb, wrong it doesn't... Only oneself can make yourself dumb by not learning something new everyday, or by not readying or basically being lazy...

    If it wasn't for weed (marijuana) Then there would be no war on drugs... This is proven...

    Also, prisons have moved into the private sector which means the govt or someone pays these people to lock someone up and to keep them there... This is proven...

  2. Absolutely true, weed impairs you just as much as alcohol especially while driving.

  3. 6:03 you are mis-informed.

    This study is just false and is just a way to try and dis-credit the should-be legalization of marijuana.

  4. 3:19 PM 6:55 PM

    You hurt your cause more than any study or 'war on drugs'.

    Get off your soapbox and stop repeating yourself.

    People want facts and figures. Not more rantings from a seemingly pot head.


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