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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Proof That Laura Mitchell Has A Fan Club

Mind you, they're literally fans, (as seen behind her). All kidding aside, Laura Mitchell is fed up and is asking for a change in leadership on the City Council. She claims she's getting more than 16 calls a day from people outraged at the behavior of the City Council leadership.

Gary Pusey stated that something needs to be done. I chimed in and stated that IF there are as many people as Laura CLAIMS that support her in this quest, there IS a process and it's called a recall petition, something this group should be very familiar with.

I stated that Laura AND the Mayor need to STOP calling Press Conferences and grandstanding. I explained how I have been around this Council as well as many others and have seen the shoe on the other foot, I understand their frustration. For many years it was Debbie Campbell up against 4 other Council Members. Then it was Debbie and Terry up against 3 Council Members. Now they are a majority and I believe they are doing the work of the City.

Laura mentioned that it is Wednesday afternoon and they have still not received this week's briefing book. Well, I looked into that as soon as I returned. Do you know WHY there's no briefing book, because the administration has NOT turned over their information to the Council President, (the Mayor's office, that is) therefore what do they expect, miracles?

I then challenged Laura by saying, I just happened to be on the phone with a Council Member when I heard the ding on their computer. They interrupted me and said, I just got a message about the Press Conference and that was 10 minutes before it was supposed to start. So I asked Laura, why are you requesting the rest of the Council to give you a heads up when you only sent this press conference information 10 minutes before it started. Laura replied she wasn't going to send it at all but she was so mad she decided to let them know she was holding it.

My point to ALL of this is this. BOTH sides need to sit down and openly discuss their differences. They need to try to find some common ground, if possible. If that doesn't work, then they need to go to Conflict and Resolution. Laura said she tried that but the Mayor wasn't willing to participate. Well, the Mayor doesn't need to be there, does he?????

To me, a lot of this has to do with power. Or should I say, the lack thereof. The day before their very first Council Meeting Laura Mitchell went by Debbie Campbell's home. Debbie's Father in Law had just passed away and Laura brought a cake. She pulled Debbie aside and said, I'd like to discuss something with you. She went on to say she would like to be Council President. For what it's worth, this was very tacky, the night before the Council Meeting while people were gathering after a funeral.

Nevertheless, I personally believe Terry Cohen is by far the most qualified person to ever sit on the City Council and by far the best Council President Salisbury has even been fortunate enough to have. I also believe Debbie Campbell is the most honorable woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. These are two very well educated women who serve this City like no one ever has. Tim Spies is also a very intelligent man and when you look at the NUMBER RESULTS from the votes, the proper people are sitting in the proper position.

The shoe is now on the other foot and quite frankly, Jim Ireton, Mike Dunn, Barrie Tilghman, Lynn Cathcart and several others, (the Dirty Dozen) just don't like it. The hissy fits need to STOP. The press conferences need to STOP.

Yes, there are a LOT of people talking about the Salisbury City Council. However, they have been talking about them for more than 10 years! Have we forgotten Barrie Tilghman's Daughter physically assaulting Rachel Polk? NOTHING like that has ever happened since.

Come on now people. Its time to grow up and act like adults. So you don't have the MAJORITY. Quit bellyaching about it and IF what you say is so true, well, I guess the MAJORITY of those people you claim come in masses will vote Debbie, Terry and Tim out, now, won't they. Do the job you were hired to do and stop this ridiculous grandstanding and that especially goes out to Mayor Jim Ireton. His calling a press conference once a week to LIE and mislead the public has got to end. He's like a 3 year old not getting his way.

STOP telling people your not getting briefing books and ask the MAYOR why, not the Council President.

New Posts to fall below.


  1. I am sick and tired of Laura Mitchell and Jim Ireton grandstanding.

    These are 2 reasons I will never vote for another democrat or a gay person for elected office again.

    Jim Ireton is giving all gays a bad name and he is an embarrassment to the human race.

    If you want new leadership in Salisbury Laura, then I ask you and Jim Ireton to resign effective immediately!!

  2. So in that picture is Laura Mitchell and the chunky arm of Shanie Shields?

    If it is definitely those 2 then it is quite obvious who the trouble makers are.

  3. "Laura Mitchell is fed up and is asking for a change in leadership on the City Council. She claims she's getting more than 16 calls a day from people outraged at the behavior of the City Council leadership."

    There are a lot of people talking about WCBOE...and I am sure the board is being notified each day also by the outrageous behavior of the school leadership...
    So can someone from the board get fed up with it and call a press meeting???

  4. So many times Shields has taken to the soapbox to complain about how "shameful" council behavior is. She should look in a mirror.

  5. There weren't nearly enough fans to blow all that hot air away.

    Maybe Mitchell and Shields should just drop out. They obviously won't work with the majority or listen to what the votes said about who the leaders should be, so what purpose do they serve?

  6. 1. I watched 16 and 47 at 3:00, and there was no coverage. Who was there? ANYBODY? Or did she have our "Valentime" there from the DT?

    2. I listened to that entire 2/13/2012 meeting this afternoon and heard nothing but UNANIMOUS votes. Did I hear it wrong? I don't think so! So, if Laura is voting along with the "Horrible Three", where's the beef?

  7. anonymous 5:20, funny you should mention that because I asked her, flat out, if you don't get your way are you saying that YOU will resign from the Council. She replied, NO, I'm in it for the long haul.

    Another thing I forgot to mention. I asked Laura, how many votes since you've been on council have gone 3 to 2? She replied, I don't know. I said, Laura, ALL of them have gone 3 to 2. IF you want civility and change, why have you and Shanie voted against EVERYTHING? Mind you, there have been some no brainer votes where all 5 votes yes, like board members and so forth. But when it comes to serious business of the City they have constantly voted against them.

  8. Laura It is time to give up the ghost. You are clueless. Make those 16 callers happy and resign.
    We need people who want to work with the other councilpersons.

  9. The Mayor needs to get control of his Council and lead by example. The Mayor needs to help his council work together and not pin them aganist each other. I don't fully blame this one the Council...i blame it on the Mayor's lack of leadership.

  10. Adam, the Council is NOT the Mayor's! and THAT is part of the problem -- Ireton thinks he owns it!

    He has treated Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell, Tim Spies too, like DIRT since they were sworn in in April.

    I voted for council members and I want them RESPECTED out of respect for ME!

  11. @ Roop...The Council is not the Mayor's Council. The Council is the Legislative Branch of Salisbury's government and the Mayor is the Executive Branch.

    And, to Mitchell, who do you think you are? You have shown no respect for the seat we put you in, nor have you shown any respect to others who were elected by us, the people. Grow up and put your big girl pants on and stop grandstanding.

  12. Adam, you are correct that the Mayor needs to display leadership; however, you are wrong to call it ‘his’ council. It is the City Council, and is responsible to the citizens, not to the Mayor. In a reasonable world there would be open communications between the 2 branches of government in this city, however we have a group that is not in power trying to run (and ruin) the city. While I do not agree with everything that the majority on the Council does, they have the best interest of the City in mind and are doing an excellent job of making sure the “I’s” are dotted & “T’s” are crossed when they make a decision. I would rather they prolong the discussion & decision making and get it right the first time.

  13. Hey Laura sit down and shut up. Just be a spectator and see how government is supposed to work u may learn something..

  14. Mitchell's comment about the briefing book is ridiculous. When Smith and Dunn were council president they delivered the briefing book on friday evening. The council president is not required to deliver a briefing book on Wednesday. I wonder where she gets those lies.

  15. Typical wet pants libtard approach to not getting their way..look at Gay marraige in Cali, the Wisconcin Rep recall, disinformation, lies, electon cheating nanny laws

  16. Cohen has shown amazing patience for the crap that Ireton and Mitchell have put her through.

    She could have been a Weezy and banged the gavel and ordered people about, but she has tried to be accommodating to everyone.

    But maybe it's time she told them to go to Hell. You know, if they are going to keep accusing her of stuff, maybe she should go ahead and do those things and shut them up.

    I know she won't do that. Too much of a class act. But I can fantasize.

  17. How many times did Dunn gavel someone down? How many times did Smith gavel someone down? How many times did they actually throw people out of the meetings?

    NOW, how many times has Terry Cohen gaveled down ANYONE or thrown ANYONE out of a meeting?

    Are you reading about that in the Daily Times? Absolutely NOT. Now maybe that's because their reporters are virgins every 6 months to council meetings. Nevertheless, they want to spew lies about how uncivil Debbie, Terry and Tim are.

    We need to all come together and STOP these lies from Liarton, Shields and Mitchell.

    Tell ALL of your friends and associates to start coming to Salisbury News, not that they already aren't. Just spread the word that the Daily Times is DONE.

    If they, or Taylor want to call me a LIAR at any point and time, bring it on. We always deliver documents, photos or whatever it takes, LIKE ATTENDING MEETINGS and we don't just sit back and take press release as gospel.

    This train left the station well before the rest of the media and they will never catch up. The truth wins every time.

  18. I wan't going to post anything, but seeing Shanie Shields arm in this picture and seeing you post that Laura Mitchell didn't send notice of her press conference to the council until 10 minutes before makes me ANGRY!


    Because this woman is complaining about not getting info on time, but she manages to get her annointed one Shields to the press conference and everyone else gets 10 minutes notice?

    What a hypocritical you-know-what she is.

    And I can't stomach hypocrites.

  19. Is this lady REALLY living in (taxpayer subsidized) Section 8 housing? An elected Government official???

    Don't we have enough homeless people sleeping under bushes? I can't understand why the Government elite get the nearly free housing. I have to wonder, is she on food stamps too?

    Maybe I'm simply getting confused by the broad set of comments being made here.

  20. i recall during the campaign that Laua Mitchell said she was campaigning on togetherness in the council and she said she felt she could work with anyone. She certainly isnt showing it so far. She sounds like someones puppet. She forgot to tell us who she would be working together with. thanks sjd

  21. Joe - I HARDLY think the Daily Times reporters are virgins.

  22. Anonymous said...

    Is this lady REALLY living in (taxpayer subsidized) Section 8 housing? An elected Government official???

    Don't we have enough homeless people sleeping under bushes? I can't understand why the Government elite get the nearly free housing. I have to wonder, is she on food stamps too?

    Maybe I'm simply getting confused by the broad set of comments being made here.

    February 15, 2012 7:56 PM

    Yes, she lives in subsidized housing that is ran by Dale Dashield of Milford Twilley, Moss Hill, Rental Management.

    Read their online rental application and you decide.


  23. 9:07, I was thinking the same thing. This woman (Mitchell) said the same garbage about "civility" that Mike Dunn said. Louise Smith campaign on "accountability," but then changed her tune to civility or unity or some other useless garbage.

    Mitchell felt compelled to whine to the press? Really? This woman has political ambition? Really?

    If I had to serve with this woman, I would never trust a word she said or want to ever meet with her. In my work, when we have a problem, we go to an office and close the door. Or go for a coffee.

    By shooting off her mouth and My God! calling for other officials to resign, who in their right mind would want to work with her? Do you hear Obama yelling for Boehner to resign?

    Get real, little girl. You have done more damage to this city's reputation with your stupid stunt than any unfavorable vote of the council.

  24. I think it's funny that 4 of the 5 "fans" in the photo have turned their backs to her!!!

  25. One thing I learned a long time ago is that, if the person talking to you won't look at you when they talk, they are lying. She's not looking at the camera and she's not even looking in the area of the microphone. An accomplished liar will eventually learn this but it doesn't appear that Ms. Mitchell has reached that level.

  26. Odd, Shanie can make it to the press conference, yet can't make it to council sessions?

  27. Does anyone know? How can Laura Mitchell qualify for and occupy section 8 housing when her husband has a teaching position at Salisbury University? Does this mean she also qualifies for a free government cell phone?

  28. No cell phone but food stamps are likely. Nobody ever really knows though unless it's denied (and it is not).

    To those families that are homeless, we aren't doing this to you.


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