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Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Occupiers Dump Condoms On Catholic School Girls

A group of Occupy Wall Street protesters disrupted a Right to Life rally and threw condoms on Catholic school girls inside the Rhode Island state capitol building.

Barth Bracy, executive director of Rhode Island Right to Life, said their rally had to be cut short after the Occupiers began screaming and refused to allow a Catholic priest to deliver a prayer.
“This is their idea of civil speech but we believe it’s an outrage,” Bracy told Fox News & Commentary “They started heckling, chanting and blowing whistles. They shouted down a priest.”


  1. This is proof that the govt has paid people running around being foolish and crazy trying to bring a bad name to the movement...

    Same thing happened to the Tea party remember? where they were saying that the tea party people were cussing and spiting on people or senators as they walked by...

    Bunch of crap I say... But then again people are so stupid that they will believe this what they are told by the media... So in essence it doesn't matter if it happened or not or if the govt had paid people to do this, they will still listen to the media...

  2. Everyone of those bums need to be locked up for assault. This occupy crap is out if hand.just an excuse to live homeless act a fool and disrupt the lives of citizens.

  3. The govt doesnt need to pay anyone to make the OWS look bad. They do that perfectly well on their own. The Tea Party is so much more civil.

  4. individuals acting like that should be given what they want.....abortion, let's just make it retroactive!

  5. That's just wrong in so many ways.


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