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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Obama On Vending Machines In Schools

The federal government is looking beyond the nation's school cafeterias. They're moving on to the vending machines down the hall. The New York Times reports, the Obama administration is preparing nutrition standards for food students buy outside of the cafeteria. The rules could be ready in a few weeks. At stake is $2.3 billion worth of annual school vending machine sales. Health advocates predict the rules will replace regular potato chips with baked, and regular peanuts with low-salt versions.


  1. That sounds like a lot of Michelle's influence. This is one more intrusion by the Administration into our lives. While I would agree that potato chips are not good for kids (or anyone, for that matter), it's not up to Obama and his minions to decide that.

  2. 5:25 You are right and believe me this is just the beginning.

  3. And how will 'they' get away with telling schools what they can and cannot serve?
    The Constitution? Of course not.

    Federal $$.

    Once they get you dependent on their $$, they OWN you.

    That's why they won't touch entitlements. That's how they're buying their slaves.

  4. Then I guess vendors can go ahead and put cigarette machines in schools too!


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