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Monday, February 06, 2012

A Letter To The Editor On PRMC Issues

Mr. Albero,

For obvious reasons, I cannot disclose my true identity. However, I have read with interest your ability to expose the truth in so many situations and open the public's eyes to things that are wrong within certain agencies and organizations. I have written the Daily Times so they could expose some of the goings-on within our hospital (PRMC) over the past two years, and they stated "We don't see the merit in this story." Well, forget them, you can have the story, especially since you reach so many more people than they ever could think of.

This letter will be just a small teaser of things to come. Let's just say I am in a high position to know some very intimate details of wrongdoing and a lawsuit that will be filed this coming week. This lawsuit involves not only sexual harassment, but Equal Opportunity issues similar to what is going on within Wicomico County schools. Several employees have been retaliated against for their filings.

Two head administrators will be named in this suit. These include Monty Sayler, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, and Martin Neat, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Four females who were part of the administrative support staff are filing this suit in what could be a groundshaking civil suit.

I think that the public should know about this since this is one of the "only games in town." It is truly amazing as to some of the damning evidence that has come forth regarding multiple layers of leadership. If the leadership at the very top cannot be trusted, then it is no wonder that so many of our patients are traveling farther and farther to hospitals such as Atlantic General to receive care.


  1. Good God, will it ever stop? Now every female that feels they should be given a free ride files a lawsuit. Just like the unions, every protected class will become so powerful, there will be no "fairness" left in the world....... shame, darn shame.

  2. 10:45 lets just see what happens. I for one think there might be something to this.

  3. The author may be in a high position but they don't seem to understand much about medical care. If you don't like your job,move on.

    Atlantic General is in no position in the way of equipment or staffing to siphon "business" away from PRMC. The reality is that AGH sends patients they can't handle to PRMC.

    If a lawsuit has been filed, it's for the courts to handle, not the gossip club. There is not one fact or one statement of misbehavior. You may be aware of some intimate details but I suspect they are tiny as you don't seem to be any part of it. Why are you even trying to get involved?

  4. PRMC is a crap hole If my family needs care I would rather go to Atalinc or over the bridge.

  5. PRMC is well known for misconduct of every variety. Sexual misconduct is common and even the examining rooms in the ER are not off limits! Staff members who are aware of this activity are threatened so that they will never speak up. It is a corrupt environment where "anything goes". The doctors involved and "socially active" nurses are well known. Ask anyone who works there. Management does nothing except put their head in the sand! The community deserves much better.

  6. OMG! Call the cops! Sexual misconduct! OH NO!!!

  7. ok everybody, if you are "in the know", please. please. please write Joe and put him in the loop about the misconduct and corruption shenigans going on in your place of employment - especially if your employment is at some government agency. Lets get all the info on the table so we can end all that is bad in the county - once and for all.

  8. It's about time someone had the balls to take PRMC to court. They think that they can fire anyone for anything they feel like. I hope some of these stories get out so that the public will find out how it really is.

  9. I don't think members of the board are considered to be administrators.

  10. 11:10

    The author is not stating that Atlantic General Hospital (AGH)can take away all the business from PRMC. Look at the facts. PRMC has about 360 beds and $400 million per year in revenue. AGH has 53 beds and annual revenue of $80 million. Consequently there is no comparison in resources or staffing so it is obvious that AGH will be sending patients they "can't handle" to PRMC. But big is not necessarily better. I think the author is saying that patients go to AGH because they feel they are treated better there. However readers should be aware that the ER of both hospitals are run by the same company (Emergency Service Associates). I do agee with the author when he says there is essentially no competition in health care in Salisbury.

    12:50 Misconduct of any kind at the hospital should not be tolerated. Period. The PRMC catheterization lab will be under the oversight of the federal government for the next five years as part of the settlement of a medical fraud case. There are over 40 hospitals in MD and PRMC is one of only two with this dubious distinction.

  11. The Daily Times will never run an article if you have anything critical to say about PRMC. It will be automatically censored. The same thing happpened to sveral people I know. Susan Parker and the editorial staff at the paper are extensions of the PRMC PR machine. They left their editorial integrity at the door!


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