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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Same Sex Marriage Bill Clears Joint Committee Hearings

Delegate Michael A. McDermott
The O’Malley-Brown Gay Marriage Bill was voted on in a combined House Judiciary and Health/Government Operations Committee meeting. Several attempts were made to amend the bill and a lot of behind the scenes arm twisting has going on up until the final minutes before the committee convened. All of the Democratic leadership from the House was in the room to keep the pressure on members.

The following amendments were offered:

1-Would allow public school teachers the ability to opt out of teaching materials relating to sex education or non-traditional families if it were to be opposed to their values or religious teachings. This amendment was defeated following debate.

2. Would allow parents the opportunity to determine what portions of a sex education curriculum that their students will participate in at school. As opposed to opting out of the education, this would require parents to opt into the instruction. This amendment was defeated following debate.

3. Would prohibit a minor from marrying another individual of the same sex. It was fascinating to see all of the democrats agree that it would be alright for a 16 year old boy to marry a 48 year old man...incredible! Even this amendment, reasonable as it is, was defeated.

4. Would allow the effective date to be pushed back by several months to allow for a public referendum to be mounted. There was much debate on the process and whether the
rights of the people would be protected should the Attorney General not certify the petition process.There is a lot of concern that shenanigans would follow this process and the people would have their Constitutional rights abridged. This amendment was also defeated on a very close vote.

5. Would protect the definition of marriage and create Civil Unions for same sex couples. It would give all the rights of married individuals to same sex couples, but it would not redefine marriage as being between a man and a woman. I consider this amendment a great compromise that bridges the gap. This was also defeated by the democrats.

Following the amendments, there were closing statements on HB-438 itself. Having made
the final arguments, and lamenting that the people were not being allowed to vote for
themselves. Several delegates raised concerns on many aspects of the bill, but in the end, both committees voted largely along party lines with a few democrats voting against the bill. The bill was passed onto the floor by a vote of 25-18.


  1. If more of us become homosexuals, the Masters won't have to deal with so many children. The ultimate population reduction is the proliferation of homosexuality. Fewer kids, less welfare in the budget.

  2. The politicians ignoring the will of the majority of voters.

  3. Time for home schooling.

  4. O.M.G. Here we go again. This dang STATE is in Bad shape in the RED and sinking more everyday and they are wasting time in annapolis worrying about same dam sex marriage??? WAKE UP ANNAPOLIS ....We need a REAL budget to get this state right and the people working again.

  5. The promotion of homosexuality the promotion of abortion blaming humans for global warming. I believe the Democrat party is anti child or anti man.

  6. I don't think I'll pay state taxes this year.

  7. 727, The eastern shore of Maryland is not a majority, sorry but there are a hell of lot people who don't believe in what you preach.

  8. 8:33 Gay marriage couldn't get passed in California it was voted down by the people, Are you trying to tell me Maryland is more liberal then California? I say let the voters decide not the crooked politicians.

  9. 8:40
    They have voted on it twice and twice the people have said they don't want it and twice they have taken it to court. Seems when the liberals don't like something their answer is court action. I say we ship them all to Cali and let them deal with it.

  10. Send the Mayor and all his gay friends packing too.

  11. I think we should be allowed to vote on this. Providing we only vote for amendment #5. Nothing else.

    I don't believe #'s 1 and 2 have anything business being on this bill at all. We are not, at least not me concerned with how teachers feel teaching a subject or the wording on a letter sent home to parents prior to sex ed. This is ridiculous.

  12. Please let the voters decide!

  13. Thts your bleeding heart liberal democratic Governor for you. Just another Obama clone.

  14. Anonymous said...

    Send the Mayor and all his gay friends packing too.

    February 14, 2012 8:59 PM


  15. What does Obama, O'Malley and O'Ireton have in common?

    They all smoke White Owls!

  16. I thought that all you republicans want the government our of your lives, so why should it have a say in same sex marriage?

  17. If two people are committed in a relationship, and want to marry, what's the big deal?...Their love for eachother is no different than the rest of us.

  18. BOO HISS!!!
    Guess there aren't enough "real" issues to deal with...

  19. Here we are folks.."Ameritopia"

  20. O'Malley should be excommunicated from the Catholic Church.

  21. Is THIS the best they got? Higher taxes and gay marriage? Helleva legislative agenda.


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