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Sunday, February 19, 2012

GOPer Proposes Abstinence For Married Couples

As if the recent birth control issue isn’t radical enough, now it’s been suggested that if married (yes, married) couples want to use contraception, they should practice abstinence. The hysteria created (deflection) has seemingly brought us back to 1950 — unless Republicans are trying to help President Obama win a reelection.

State Rep. Lynne Blankenbeker (R-Concord) has made idiotic statements in the past, but she’s possibly surpassed them all.

Huffpo reports:

– noting that abstinence is available “over the counter” along with condoms — during a legislative committee hearing on a resolution urging the Obama administration to drop the birth control requirement for religious organizations. Blankenbeker was trying to explain her position on why the administration’s requirement to provide insurance coverage for birth control should be overturned.


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