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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Convince Your Spouse To Stop Being Such An Idiot With Money

If your household is wallowing in a sea of debt and looking to paddle your way out, you'll need to get your live-in better/worse half on board with your plans, otherwise you'll just be rowing in circles. Since you can't berate loved ones into changing their ways, you'll have to find a method to convince them that change is necessary, and that rewards will come from taking the right course.

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  1. Try Dave Ramsey's "Financial Peace University."
    It's straight forward..It's tough..but brings financial peace to young and old!
    Google it..Try it!
    There are organizations here in
    Salisbury that offer it!

  2. Some people can't be convinced. I have a relative, who recently had to take a lower paying job, while her husband was laid off from a 20+ year job he had at large pharma. Instead of tightening down, she racked up another 15K in credit card debt. Instead of telling him what happened, she then took money from her 401K to pay it off, in hopes of him not finding out. Too bad he does their taxes. She's been like this for 30+ years, and has never changed through good times or bad. They've only been married for a decade, so tax season will be very interesting one.


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