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Friday, February 03, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Komen To Restore Grants To Planned Parenthood

Susan G. Komen for the Cure reverses decision and says it will continue existing breast cancer screening grants to Planned Parenthood and permit organization to apply for future grants.

From Fox News


  1. Ah, the power of thousands of angry women!

  2. They are the largest non-profit donor to the democrats.I think that should be looked into or at least let the people that spend a lot of time fundraising know that!

  3. I thought Komen was supposed to find a cure for breast cancer.... not fund abortions. My donations will now be given to another organization.

  4. I am glad I did'nt send them the money I had planned.

  5. So sad that Komen caved liked that. No more money for Komen from this pocket. I will find another group to work with.

  6. Sorry, Susan G. Komen you are off of my donations list.

  7. Good grief people, many organizations give to PP. YMCA, Salvation Army, and the list goes on. You should really really try to educate your selves on your charity of choice.

    By the way, PP offers mammography at a lower cost for women (and men) who need the service. They also provide low cost pap smears, and other services you idiots refuse to believe.

    One more thing, I con't to hope that in your perfect little lives that no one in your family ever make a mistake, or get raped, or molested by a family member, and need the services of PP.

  8. 1:25
    The majority of money that planned parenthood gets is spend on abortions. Sorry I do not agree with that. When I was 19 I made a "mistake" as you call it. I don't call a child a mistake. I'm against abortion. I had my child and never once did I accept any handouts. No wick no food stamps NOTHING. I was raised to know that you are accountable for you actions. Why should my money go to something that I disagree with.

  9. 1:32 well good for you.
    Btw, I never called a child a mistake. If I must elaborate, the sexual act in which produces a child is what I was referring to as a mistake.

  10. Anonymous 1:32 is full of it.

  11. Dear 1:32,

    PP spends less than 5% of its funding on all preganancy services, including terminations.

    Last time I checked, 5% was not exactly "a majority"

  12. 2:13
    I am absolutely NOT full of it. There is not one lie in that statement that I wrote. Prove me wrong.

  13. 1:25 Your tone and condescending attitude is completely obnoxious. Totally devalues your comment.

  14. 2:30 Haha. Where did you get that figure?

  15. PP does not do mammograms,only refers you to someone who does.

  16. those of you who are pro-abortion aka pro-death are so very deceived.

    if you can read; i challenge you to investigate the history of planned parenthood and it's founder, margaret sanger. after you have completed this challenge, i don't think you will still be for this organization and it's true purpose.

    by the way; your statistics are radically wrong.

  17. Sanger still running Planned Parenthood?

  18. 2:30
    5%? Since their name says PLANNED parenthood yet only 5% of their funding is going towards pregnancy what is the other 95% going to? Why are they not spending more money on preventing pregnancies and such?

  19. Most of you rude and obnoxious people commenting would have benefited us if your parents chose to have an abortion.

    I guess they chose to live with their mistakes as well.

    Women may be allowed to do with their bodies as they wish, between them and their doctors, but I don't see where an organization that murders over 43 million babies is needed.

    The annual report of the largest abortion facilitator, Planned Parenthood, indicates that they received $487.5 million U.S. tax dollars in 2010. Within the same year they gained another one billion dollars in profits. In 2010, Planned Parenthood performed 329,455 abortions in its "health centers" (about 1000 aborted unborn babies a day), and a quarter of all abortions performed in the United States annually. The official number is 1.2 million abortions per year. This is financed with taxpayers' hard-earned dollars. Even Catholic taxpayers and those who oppose abortion have to pay.

    In the years 2003 to 2011 the Iraq war claimed a total of 4,483 soldiers, on average 498 per year - in contrast to 1.2 million unborn Americans who are being killed every year in their mothers' wombs. The war in Iraq has claimed "only" 0.04% of all those killed in the war against the unborn in America.

    Since Roe v. Wade, more than 50 million unborn babies have been killed. More than 16 million of those were black babies.

  20. as long as pp's unstated policy continues to limit the number of undesirables coming out of those certian lower class socio-econmoic neighborhoods, I guess even though I don't agree with abortion I can overlook what they are doing! Maybe they'll get a medal some day!


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