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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bill Maher Says Jesus Christ Was 'Palestinian'

Christians the world over are going to be thrilled to know that Jesus was a Palestinian.

At least that's what HBO's Bill Maher told CNN's Piers Morgan Monday evening in a discussion about Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow (video follows with transcript and commentary):

BILL MAHER: You are allowed to have your opinion. You’re allowed to have your opinion that a Palestinian 2000 years ago walked on water and did magic tricks and he was really still his own father and all that stuff. That’s fine. You can have whatever opinion you want, and the fact that a billion other people believe it gives you a lot of strength and credence. But I also have the opinion that that’s ridiculous, that it’s anachronistic, this is the 21st century.


  1. He must have gone to Rev. Wright's church for the last 20 years two. Because that is what they teach.

  2. Jesus is my Lord and Savior; Bill Maher is just obnoxious and smug.

  3. who is Jesus Christ?

  4. Bill maher is a public figure who speaks his mind. Jesus Christ was a public figure who spoke his mind.

    Why treat one differently from the other?



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