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Friday, February 03, 2012

All 14-Year-Old Wants Is For Md. To Vote 'No' On Gay Marriage

WASHINGTON - A Bowie girl told Maryland legislators Tuesday all she wants for her birthday is for them to vote "no" on gay marriage.

While reading from a written statement, the home-schooled 14-year-old from Bowie told Maryland's Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee she feels badly for children who have two parents of the same gender, and fears a world where a legislature or court can change the definiton of any word, such as "marriage" in this case.

The video first appeared on the gay rights advocacy site ThinkProgress.org/lgbt.

"Even though some kids think it's fine, they have no idea what kind of wonderful experiences they miss out on," she said.

"I don't want more kids to get confused about what's right and okay," said the girl. "I really don't want to grow up in a world where marriage isn't such a special thing anymore."

Check out the audio of her appearance here:



  1. What would a 14 year old know about issues like this?

  2. She obviously knows more than you do 4:30pm!!!!

    Your born with the ability to know basic right from wrong.

  3. Home schooled---enuff said. The apple don't fall far from the tree.

  4. She is correct and whats better is that she is using the lefts tactics against them...LOL

  5. whatever. Who cares what a 14 year old home schooled kid thinks she knows about this?

  6. 14 year's experience in a stable "regular" mom and dad household, puberty and the aligned education, and her own human feelings, hopes, and dreams. Seems to be the perfect age to decide this.

  7. 4:30, read my mind.

    She only knows what her parents have told her.

  8. It appears that she knows more about this issue than our Governor and legislators know.

  9. Being taught bigotry, nice parenting.

  10. Let me guess. Home schooled?

  11. It's called Christian over it. You don't like them, so what? She does! And she's entitled to that opinion.
    Sadly, you are entitled to the right to eviscerate 14 year old girls for their thoughts.

  12. She seems pretty confused. If gay marriage is legal, it will lead to more kids growing up in stable, two-parent families. Sure, some of those families will be of two people of the same sex. However, it doesn't mean that fewer kids will grow up in families with a mom and a dad. It's not like the ban on gay marriage causes gay people to turn straight and raise families. It's not like we'll see a rush of people becoming gay when gay marriage is made legal (and it's a when, not an if).

    Too bad this young girl wasn't taught critical thinking skills, because if she was she'd see that her arguments are completely nonsensical.

  13. If they didn't call it marriage - most christians would tolerate it.
    Calling it marriage cheapens what they have - a religion based obligation between a man and a woman.

    MD legislature already acknowledges civil unions from other localities...according to Marty in his speach the other day....

    1. Cheapens marriage? Not mine. My marriage was built on love trust and mutual respect. Having people who share these same values will NOT any cheapen marriage.
      what are you so afraid of?

  14. More evidence that home schooled children are better educated then the public school failures.

  15. Parents should be investigated for child abuse.

  16. More evidence that home schooled children are better educated then the public school failures.

    February 3, 2012 8:05 PM

    I'm inclined to agree with your statement. Especially after reading the majority of these 'adult' comments.

  17. I have a question regarding "marriage" When it'a a man/wife marriage they have to wait a year to get a divorce. If this becomes legal will they have to follow this also?

  18. When it'a a man/wife marriage they have to wait a year to get a divorce.

    That would depend on what state you are in. But good question.


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