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Thursday, January 26, 2012

What Would You Do If You Saw Someone Wearing This Shirt?

We're constantly clubbed on the head with the claim that the Muslim world condemns 9/11, abhors 9/11, etc. - Yet every day Shirts like this are mass produced, marketed, and sold by street venders throughout the Middle East and it's simply OK.


  1. Stab them in the eye with a screwdriver.

  2. The hardest part about freedom of expression is when you really, really disagree with the expression.

    I, however, believe in karma!

  3. It does show the wearers' true feelings!

  4. What would I do if saw someone wearing that? My first thoughts would be of the innocent men, women, and children in those buildings when the planes struck. Then it would venture to the FDNY firefighters, the NYPD Police Officers, and the Port Authority Officials who rushed to help those people. Next my mind would rush to the the families who got notified that their loved ones werent coming home that night, and the days after. Finally, I would remember the U.S. Service members who have gone forward to bring justice for this unspeakable act, many laying down their life in the name of "Freeing" this man. I sure hope he feels free...

  5. Lucky for him part of what makes america great is he's allowed to wear this shirt under our constitution. I also have the freedom to kick his as* and catch a charge.

  6. Obviously I'd be furious, but I don't know if I'd say something to the person, as who knows what sort of retaliation would occur. Since our country honors free speech, which includes a shirt like this that has a message without any "speech" on it, we have to allow it. Too bad. I wonder what would happen if I visited a Middle Eastern country with an American flad t-shirt.

  7. maybe we ought to make shirts out of the pics of the marines pissing on their comrades!

  8. The next photo he'd be missing a couple of teeth.

  9. I would use that red dot and put one between the eyes

  10. This guy could probably go right thru at a TSA screening in the airport in the U.S. Good idea 1:59

  11. If I had a can of spray paint in my truck, I would certainly use it, and pay the asshole for the shirt.

  12. freedom of speech is a wonderful thing. 118pm hit it square on the head!

  13. This is as offensive as the shirts being sold in DC, saying, "My President is Black"

  14. 1:18 and 3:48 Except in the middle east they don't have the right to freedom of speech/expression. I would like to see what would happen to this man if the wore a shirt with an American flag or Jesus on it. He would be dragged through the streets and thrown into jail. There is no freedom of anything (especially for women)in the middle east.

  15. I would bring this young lad into our county, set him up with free room and board and food stamps.
    Let him drive with no license and no insurance, allow him to vote ( for Democrats )....uh wait a minute we already do that with millions of Mexicans....

  16. maybe we ought to make shirts out of the pics of the marines pissing on their comrades!

    January 26, 2012 1:59 PM

    Umm, no. Ever heard the expression, two wrongs don't make a right?

  17. I think we should just see this shirt as a target to shoot at.

  18. I pause to wonder if anyone stupid enough to wear this in public is actually smart enough to have any idea what it symbolizes.


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