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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Washington State Marijuana Legalization Headed For Ballot

(Reuters) – Supporters of legalizing marijuana for recreational use have submitted enough signatures to put the matter to voters in Washington state in a bold move that, if successful, could put Olympia on a collision course with the federal government.
The group New Approach Washington submitted nearly 278,000 valid signatures for the measure, more than required to put it on the November ballot, David Ammons, a spokesman for the Washington Secretary of State’s office, said in a statement.
The move comes as federal prosecutors have sought to crank up pressure on several mostly western states, including Washington, that have legalized medical marijuana even as cannibis remains classified as an illegal narcotic under federal law.


  1. Yes let's dumb down America even more.

  2. vote whatever. Regardless of the outcome it's not the business of the federal government unless it crosses state lines. The federal government needs to pay close attention to the 10th amendment.

  3. States rights, baby. Ahhhh, the damn Constitution. Keeps getting in the way of suppression and centralized totalitarianism. But with enough heel clicking armed agents willing to beat, bankrupt, imprison, and kill the dissenters (while cheering crowds are delirious with joy) and a bunch of legislators willing to rape and pillage the Bill of Rights, well there MAY be a chance that they can actually destroy the will of "we, the people".....Our country is FULL of heel-clicking non-thinking slugs who are POSITIVE they know whats best for evryone else and will stop at nothing until you live the way they KNOW you ought to live....

  4. Most congress men and women admit to smoking "trying" pot


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