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Friday, January 27, 2012


ANNAPOLIS, MD (January 27, 2012) – First Lady Katie O’Malley released the following statement today following her comments at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s 24th Conference on LGBT Equality:

“I regret my recent choice of words at the Creating Change Conference last night. I let my feelings get the better of me. I deeply respect that there are strongly held and differing views on marriage equality in Maryland, but hope that our State’s elected officials will come together to fairly address this important issue for our families and children.

“We all want the same thing for our kids – we all want our children to live in loving, stable, committed households that are protected equally under the law. No child should be punished because he or she happens to live in a state that doesn’t recognize the love that his or her parents share. It’s about equal rights for everyone, no matter who they are, or who they love.”


  1. Isn't it unethical for a sitting judge to make public statements on a political issue that is under consideration?

  2. 1:39
    My thoughts exactly.
    What a bunch of double talk. How can it be stable for any child to have his or her friends meet my dads or moms. sorry thats not going to create stability.

  3. Same sex marriage is NOT LEGAL in Maryland. For any sitting judge to make judgment on anyone opposed tp changing the law by calling them cowards is despicable.

    Katey, your job is to uphold the (current) law. It is the legislators, some of which you labeled cowards, responsibility to recommend and consider changes to the law.

    It would be interesting to hear just what role you felt you were fulfilling by attending this Conference. You certainly didn't represent anyone there and you certainly don't represent any Maryland citizens.

  4. Everyone just grow up. This not the 1930s. Is there anywhere in Gods word that mention the word gay? Was there any gays back then? I thought God loved everyone. Am I wrong? Do you think that God would turn his back on anyone? I am sorry, but my God loves "EVERYONE" as we should. When you met him are you going to ask him about gays or are you going to be surprised that you are there in front of him the you feel right now? My thought is it won't matter to him. HE LOVES US ALL. millie

  5. Sorry Millie you are wrong that homosexuality won't matter to God. Yes, God does love us all (and yes we are all sinners) but he gave us his Word in the Bible. He states that homosexuality wrong, as is stealing, coveting, idolatry etc... Don't change the bible to fit your thoughts. That is not how it works.


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