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Monday, January 16, 2012

Senate Bill Authorizes Feds To Revoke Citizenship Of Americans

A bill has been introduced in the United States Senate which will authorize the federal government to revoke the citizenship, creating practical expatriates, of American citizens.

Introduced by Connecticut Independent Joe Lieberman and Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown, S 1698, the “Enemy Expatriation Act,” is a simple, 2 page document which offers apparently innocent amendments and additions to existing federal legislation.

That legislation, known as Title 8, “…outlines the role of aliens and nationality in the U.S. Code.” And it is just one small piece of this massive and complex law which the Enemy Expatriation Act seeks to modify, that being Section 349, the means by which “a person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality…,” that is, his citizenship.

Though there is currently little contained in Section 349 which would alarm any American citizen, one phrase added to the legislation by the “Enemy Expatriation Act” would change everything. For it states that anyone voluntarily “engaging in, or purposefully and materially supporting, hostilities against the United States” will lose his “nationality.” And nationality means citizenship!


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  1. WTF. Perhaps Ia'm stupid.

  2. If Mr. Lierberman loves Isreal so much, MOVE THERE. Don't transform America into it.

  3. America is in a lot of trouble between this and the NDAA anyone that is a patiotic American that believes in the constitution is screwed. All you have to do is disagree with the Obama regime and not only will they lock you up and throw away the key. But they will take away your citizenship/ We got to get rid of these crazy anti-american politicians or we will be just another Nazi Germany.

  4. I'm afraid Nazi Germany will seem like a walk in the park compared to what we have in store for us.

  5. Are we ever going to come to an agreement that comparing any American politican or politial action to Nazi Germany is simply asinine?

    Bush was not Hitler. Obama is not Hitler. Hitler killed millions of people. There is no comparison.

    The Hitler comparisons are school-yard name-calling and make the accuser seem lazy, and make his or her point worthless.

  6. 7:41....Hitler didn't START out killing Jews...he started out by scaring citizens and demonizing "enemies" and whipping the population into a frenzy over Jewish banking executives, foreign "enemies", and "weak" German leaders. He sold millions of books and MILLIONS of Germans fell under the spell of his fiery rheoric. Little by little over a period of 10 years or so, Hitler stripped his nation of every legal protection the citizens had under the same reasoning our "leaders" are using TODAY --- we MUST do these things because - pick the latest "boogeyman" and insert here (Taliban, Al Queda, "home grown terrorists, Iran, etc) - are threatening our very existence!!! We don't have a Hitler YET, but pay closer attention, please. We are building one. But maybe you are one of those who are CHEERING the Patriot Act, the NDAA, the "Enemy Expatriation Act" (WHO is DEFINING "enemy"??) and other numerous laws that essentially decimate our Constituion and Bill of Rights. We ARE the proverbial frog in hot water....and we should be VERY afraid.

  7. lmclain - relax. One can be wary of gonvernement intevention and overreach AND still recognize that we are not living under a Nazi regine, or will we ever.

    Drink something other than the Krazy Kool Aid.

  8. 7:41,8:57--Relax we just hit a little ice, there is nothing to worry about, the Titanic is unsinkable!!! Same mentality.

  9. Just because Obama has not got to point of killing us yet doesn't mean it isn't on his agenda. Everything he has done is right out of the Communist Handbook. He has the Fema camps ready. He is making the laws to take away our citizenship and lock us up with no charges or trial. When it happens it will be convert to Muslim or be killed. Look out it coming soon.

  10. 4:25 he HAS killed Americans. He has. He authorized a drone attack on an American citizen without due process afforded under the Constitution. He was not even formally charged. He was "suspected" and summarily executed. There it is. Worst part is...most Americans supported it.


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