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Monday, January 16, 2012

Santorum Says There's A US Program To Kill Iranian Scientists And Dead Ones Are A Wonderful Thing


  1. Ive always said the best Iranian scientist is a dead one>

  2. So if we go over there and kill it's justified assassination, and if they come over here and kill, it's terrorism. This is the guy the preachers just chose as their bestest christian candidate!

  3. 5:15-I agree,but at least this time Pat Robertson did'nt say it.

  4. I'm 515, and say let them have nukes. After all, all the neighbors have them. that makes for an equal standoff for everybody. When all have it, politeness will reign. Duh.

  5. I like Santorum even more after that! Thanks!!

  6. he says nuCUlar...

  7. Hmmmmm.... THAT program, if it does indeed exist, is a TOP SECRET program....thank you, you big mouth idiot for revealing to the world something you should have NEVER spoke about. And that guy wants to be President??? A buffoon who can't keep his big mouth shut???


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