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Friday, January 20, 2012

Romney’s Offshore Accounts Draw Scrutiny

With Mitt Romney still refusing to release his tax returns, we can only speculate as to why he’s so afraid of disclosure. The widely held assumption has been that the Republican frontrunner is embarrassed by his “15% problem” — the multi-millionaire takes advantage of existing tax loopholes to pay lower tax rates than millions of middle-class workers.
But that’s not the only thing Romney’s returns might show. Reuters’ Sam Youngman reported on a related issue:



  1. Big deal offshore accounts are nothing but an IRA and taxed when the funds are accessed.

  2. Why are Romney's tax returns important?
    We still know vitually nothing about Obummer.
    Where's Obummers college records? Who paid his tuition? Where's his thesis?
    Just another case of double standard for Republicans

  3. (8:54) Do you think Romney cares about the middle class. He can not relate to the middle class. I'm not happy with Obama but I do not see a republican candidate right now that will beat him.


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