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Friday, January 27, 2012

Rick Santorum: Left Uses College For "Indoctrination"

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said Wednesday that "the left" uses universities to indoctrinate young people for the purpose of "holding and maintaining power."
After saying "we've lost, unfortunately, our entertainment industry," Santorum told a Naples, Florida, audience that "we've lost our higher education, that was the first to go a long time ago."
"It's no wonder President Obama wants every kid to go to college," said the former Pennsylvania senator. "The indoctrination that occurs in American universities is one of the keys to the left holding and maintaining power in America. And it is indoctrination. If it was the other way around, the ACLU would be out there making sure that there wasn't one penny of government dollars going to colleges and universities, right?"


  1. like it or not just look around we can see here on the shore where no education gets you
    If people are "Indoctrinated" they were stupid and weak minded to begin with
    education and religion is only as effective as your ability to think rationally
    the common sense that people tout is just that and the problem of equality is that everyone thinks they have a right to be stupid and heard

  2. Unfortunately Santorum is partially correct. The "indoctrination" begins on the first day of pre school in the public school system where liberalism and left wing ideals are incorporated into the cirriculum. By the time students are at the universities they are ripe for the garbage taught to them by radical/left wing professors.

  3. that should about do it for santorum....what a buffoon.

    the candidates to choose from this year are like picking the ex-girlfriend you want to live with the most for the next four years of continued misery.

  4. Did this idiot actual go to college? I had more right-wing nonsense thrown at me in college than you could shake a stick at.

    This liberal university thing is a myth.

  5. 8:37,
    I'm guessing the radical/left wing professors might help you learn to spell curriculum correctly.

  6. Calling all Republicans: Don't bother to think; Rick will do it for you.

  7. The real indoctrination takes place with home schooling. It should be classified as child abuse.

  8. Well.....I think he's partially correct depending upon what your major is. We have a daughter who has always been conservative. She is currently in her last year of college for elementary ed. Over the past two semesters she has been migrating toward the leftwing mindset. She tells us the things she is learning that are absolutely ridiculous. She explains the federal and state mandates that she now supports that create absolute dependency om the federal and state government for the money they throw to teach the liberal agenda. The lefties believe that people like my daughter are changing the way they think because they are "enlightened". But the truth is that they are being brainwashed so that they can continue to push that agenda of liberalism into the minds of young children while they are still like clay in their hands.

  9. yes 10:14...we should all raise our children in the likeness of you rather than the likeness of ourselves. Perhaps we should teach them your values instead of ours. Lets look at the increase in the rate of juvenile crime and we can accurately judge the effectiveness of your government run school systems imposing government approved morals and values. You are an idiot.

  10. the things that come out of these guys mouths
    they really must think conservative americans are stupid

  11. 9:45 Really? Instead of correcting spelling errors why don't you comment on the content. Tool.

  12. Palin was the first nail in our coffin
    now these four Bozos fighting and bickering
    we are done for

  13. Thats right Santorum. Obama wants your kid indoctrinated, not trained in the skilled labor needed to find a job

  14. 12:13,

    My comment on the spelling WAS a comment on the content. But I know that was too hard for you to figure out, so I will spell it out for you: maybe people who cannot spell curriculum ought to go to college. You know, where those wacky left-wing professors will teach you how to spell, in between all the indoctrination of course. Or is teaching proper spelling a left-wing conspiracy?

  15. 3:30 Obviously you have never been to college as professors do not teach spelling. Gee, I don't remember seeing spelling 101 on my course selection. Maybe you can tell me what school does have a masters or doctorate program in spelling and I will apply.

    Please try not to feel too bad about being a liberal. I know that is what brings out the condescension. Or wait, is it condiscension, condescention or condescenshun. ;)


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