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Monday, January 02, 2012

PETA Seeks Memorials To Cows Killed On Ill. Roads

CHICAGO (AP) - An animal rights group wants Illinois to install highway signs in memory of cattle killed when trucks hauling them flipped in two separate wrecks.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has asked for permission to buy the markers, one in suburban Chicago and one northwest of Peoria. The group says the signs would pay tribute to the more than 20 cattle killed as a result of negligent driving this year.



  1. Really?? All the bad stuff we have going on in the country, and this is what these folks use their efforts for?

    Jeff Foxworthy would be proud. "Here's your sign!"

  2. PETA = people eating tasty animals.

    these people need to get a "real" job. they have stinking thinking and are so far "out there" that very few people pay attention to them or at best laugh at their actions and words.

    they have no balance in their lives and they are clueless regarding using animals for food and having pets. they can't seem to sort this out. oh well....

  3. What a worthless organization

  4. I have to agree PETA is their own worst enemy at times. But there are many animal rights groups that do have it together. To the person that says there is confusion between pets and food animals. Who dictates which is which. In most Asian countries your precious pet would be on the menu. Who decided animals were ours to eat. Do you know that the eating of other beings is why there is so much obesity. Did you know 60% of deaths in this country are directly connected to eating animal products. Heart attacks strokes diabetes and even cancer happen because of what we put in our bodies. Along with your meat you get growth hormones steroids and antibiotics. Also have you ever witnessed the torture that goes into putting that steak on you plate. So make fun if you want but you will be laughing your way to an early grave. Why don't people educate themselves before they speak.

  5. Seriously? Why don't they just ask permission and pay for it themselves if it means that much to them. They're friggin cows. Circle of life.

  6. to 4:43. you have got to be joking. have you never heard of scripture? or history or just use common sense. yes; there are differences in cultures around the world, but don't PUSH your beliefs on me. this is peta's problem.

    eat whatever you want, but leave me and everyone else alone. what we eat is our choice NOT YOURS. get it !!?

    by the way; we can choose to purchase free range, hormone free meats. we can purchase organic fruits and vegetables. we can grow our own and we can hunt, kill and eat. again; all our choice, not yours. thank God.....

  7. To 6:28. I'd like to know where in your Bible God said that animals are ours to torture and kill and do anything we want to with. HE gave us care over the animals. Did you know that physically we are herbivores. Carnivores have short intestines to be able to process meat quickly so it doesn't sit in their stomach and rot. We on the other hand have long intestines as do horses cows and others designed to eat plants. There is much research out there if you would care to read it that is not based on kindness to animals but on what is really good for us and why we now have such an epidemic of disease. People used to eat far more plant matter then meat and there wasnt an epidemic of weight related disease. I made the choice for the sake of kindness to animals but the health benefits have been phenomenal. I was diabetic that has reversed it self. I took medication for high blood pressure not anymore. I suffered with painful joints from weight. Guess what gone. You say not to shove my lifestyle down your throat well the last time I looked I'm as entitled to my opinion as you are. If everyone got to see first hand where their food comes from I think a lot of different choices would be made and I think everyone should be required to see. If you have any more remarks for me please try to back them up with research and facts.


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