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Monday, January 16, 2012

Obama Citizenship Trial. Is This Legit?

Pre-trial evidence released in GA: Obama using stolen SSN; passport & birth certificate show Indonesia birth; his selective service is a forgery; e-verify fails; Trial just moved up to TOMORROW, Hawaii officials in transit.



  1. Let’s hope this is true, and then we can throw the fraud out and lock his ass up in jail!

  2. This would make my day, heck it would make my year! If this was true what happens then? Who would take over and such.

  3. That would mean Dick Cheney is in charge!!!

  4. I knew he was a fraud from the beginning to much secretcy. You can always tell when he is lying because his lips are moving.

  5. Feel confident that it will headline Fox News if it was, in fact, true.

  6. The most telling thing is that he doesn't think or act like an American

  7. I can't wait until he wins again in November. You Republitard crybabies are a constant source of entertainment!

  8. Oh, I think he's a citizen. I also think he passed himself off as a foreign student (Barry Soetero) in order to qualify for scholarships, etc. It's the fraud that's being covered up, imo, not his citizenship.

  9. He's not a citizen and most people who have done some reading about it,realize the fraud that was executed to get him on the ballot in the first place.

  10. I feel confident Obama will be spending time in the slammer.

  11. What about his college transcrips. Has he ever produced these?

  12. Like they say,if it sounds too good to be true,well you know the rest.


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