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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Maryland's New Years Resolution: More Jobs

Young Republicans Propose Job Creation Plan
The Maryland Young Republicans have called on Governor Martin O'Malley and the Maryland General Assembly to make job creation their New Year's Resolution as they return to Annapolis this January.

"Maryland's New Years Resolution has to be to create jobs for the middle and working class Marylanders who really need them," said Maryland Young Republicans Chairman Brian Griffiths. "We saw last year that Governor O'Malley's small business tax credit was only beneficial to those businesses that were already in an economically advantageous situation to hire in the first place, with or without the tax credit. The tax credit didn't create any jobs, it merely rewarded a few businesses that were already going to be expanding in the first place."

"It is time for Governor O'Malley to forget about his national aspirations, and come back home to Maryland and do the people's work," Griffiths said.

As part of their call for job creation, the Maryland Young Republicans have called for a program to put Marylanders back to work:
A repeal of the sales tax increase, lowering the rate back to 5%, to facilitate spending;
A reduction in business regulations to make Maryland more friendly to businesses and encouraging them to relocate here;
A across the board cut in the income tax rate to allow Marylanders to keep more of their own money;
An across the board 2% reduction in state spending;
Eliminating the statewide PlanMaryland zoning regulation, allowing counties to tailor zoning requirements that fit the needs of their individual communities;
Repeal the moratorium-on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in Maryland's portion of the Marcellus Shale region, allowing Marylanders to unleash the economic benefits--jobs and low cost energy fracking creates.
"Governor O'Malley and the General Assembly must take the lead and pass common-sense job creation measures that will not continue failed policies that have seen higher taxes and lower economic development," Griffiths said.

Critical to the growth of the Republican Party, the Young Republicans reach out to registered Republicans, 18 to 40 years of age, and provide them with better political knowledge and understanding of today's issues. Since its creation, the Young Republican National Federation and its member groups have established themselves as the premier Republican grassroots organization in the nation, providing essential grassroots support for Republican candidates and conservative issues on the local, state and national level.


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