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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Making A Small Investment For A Huge Return

The image you see above is what's called a Knox Box. I saw one today on the exterior of a building Downtown and started asking questions. It turns out, these units are required to be installed by the Fire Department to provide a key to any establishment with a Fire Alarm or a Sprinkler System. Keys are inside every fire Truck in Salisbury in which they are electronically opened and recorded only when a Fire Alarm or Sprinkler goes off. It allows the Fire Department to access that property without breaking windows or doors.

Take my Downtown building for example. The doors are at least 2 inches thick. Not only that, let's say the Fire Department had to break down one of those doors. The building is 120 years old and those doors cannot be replaced. In order to match them it would probably cost easily $1,000.00, if not a whole lot more. The Knox Box only costs $250.00 for commercial use, (more than one key) and residential units are only $150.00.

When I checked into their history here in Salisbury I found out that they have been installing them since 1984 and have installed more than 500 units so far. I WANT ONE! For those of you who own homes, again, think about it. Your front door will cost more than $150.00 to replace if they have to knock it down. Many times these units are installed for elderly people in case they fall down and can't get to the door.

If you're interested in researching this further go to, www.knoxbox.com and see what they offer. I will be purchasing one in the very near future and I strongly recommend you consider doing the same. When you see the details and construction of this unit you'll be more than confident it is a safe way to offer peace of mind for your Family and business investments.


  1. You're such an idiot

  2. It's a good thing 100% of the people who have ever had a key to one of these things are completely honest and would never think of breaking in.

  3. If my home is on fire the last thing I'm worried about is my front door. Bust in put out the fire if there is anything left ill buy a new door.

  4. 7:08 am it would be more for assisting an elderly person with a medical problem who can't get to the door. Why kick the door in, take them to the hospital and leave their home unsecured. The patient returns home and the thieves cleaned the out. Now they have lost everything as well as a damaged door. It's a great investment and I have one.

  5. Wouldn't fire insurance pay for a front door?

  6. anonymous 10:39, LOOK at your deductable. Come on now, use your head, with all due respect.

  7. I have one here at my home. For me it helps to know they can get to me without damaging my home.

  8. anonymous 10:39, LOOK at your deductable. Come on now, use your head, with all due respect.

    January 12, 2012 10:41 AM

    You bring up a good point Joe. I should look at our policy since I have no idea what it says. (Wife bought it before I was in the picture)

    I don't know if we even have a deductible much less the amount of it.

    And thank you for your politeness Joe. I appreciate it.

  9. This makes alot of sense. Think this will be something we look into for our business. Thanks Joe!

  10. Saving the elderly is not priority one under obama care.
    Does mean i still get a hole chopped in my roof?

  11. Remember Police don't have access to this, so it you need help in your home and the police get there, something will be broken to get to you.

  12. It turns out, these units are required to be installed by the Fire Department to provide a key to any establishment with a Fire Alarm or a Sprinkler System

    So you don't have either (fire or sprinkler). If there is a fire or water damage that $1000 door will be a piddly amount of the restuaration cost, even with insurance. The fire dept will not be standing on your corner waiting for a disaster and a lot of damage will have incurred while firemen are travelling from the fire station to Corporate Headquarters.

  13. anonymous 7:46, you know, IF you took the time to READ the article you would have seen where the master key is in EVERY Fire Truck in Salisbury that is electronically opened and recorded. There's no trip back to headquarters.


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