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Friday, January 20, 2012

Girl Scouts Creates Inclusive Gender Policy, and a Right-Wing Boycott Fails -- They Sell More Cookies!

A few months ago, the Girl Scouts of America (GSUSA) found themselves in the midst of a unique controversy. A Denver, Colorado troop initially refused to let 7-year-old Bobby Montoya join. Montoya, who identifies as female, was denied entry to the troop when Felisha Archuleta, Bobby’s mother, first approached them. After protests from Archuleta, and some media coverage, the Colorado Girl Scouts of America ended up welcoming Bobby into the scouts, and released a statement through GLAAD, clarifying the organizations policy:
“Girl Scouts is an inclusive organization and we accept all girls in Kindergarten through 12th grade as members. [...] If a child identifies as a girl and the child's family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout.”


  1. What in the world does that mean- "identifies as female"? Either you are a boy or a girl! Shame on the Girl Scouts! Maybe they should join forces with the Boy Scouts and call it Children Scouts or something.

  2. This Republican is not buying any cookies ever again. What would Michelle Obama think about the increase in buying unhealthy calorie dense foods all of you liberal progressives? Better listen to your Empress and buy crudites instead.

  3. "Right-Wing Boycott"???
    If you Google the author, Avital Norman Nathman, at BEST a progressive wingnut, anyone not sharing her value system(s?) would be considered right-wing. How does the self-identified (I think, therefore I am) girl explain the equipment malfunction in the wee-wee tent?

  4. A child that age identifies their selves as what their parents teach them. If a kid seven years old pops a cigarette in his mouth a responsible parent says no it's bad and takes corrective steps to ensure it won't happen again. The same thing should happen when a seven year old boy wants to dress like a girl.......in no way shape or form will this person support the girl scouts anymore. And I would buy four boxes every time I'm asked whether locally or out and about.how can anyone support an organization that says its OK to be a seven year old drag queen .... .it are they called drag princesses at that point?

  5. Oh come on
    like field hockey and lady shore gym teachers we have always known who the lesbians were but were too polite and churchly too be real with them

  6. The parent(s) should be locked up for child abuse. This is no different than the parent who allowed the 10 year old child to get a tattoo.


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